
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Welcome Spring!!!

Although I spent most of my afternoon, working at the gate for our high school softball game, I did manage to get home just shy of dark.  

Imagine my surprise when I let the puppies out just a few moments later and discovered this little darling glowing in blue.  It was a birthday gift from two sister friends, and I'd not seen it lit up until tonight.   
I have plans to put some sort of greenery in her bucket--maybe moss would work.  Definitely it needs to be something that the grandchildren can't harm.  While they are sweet little darlings, they can be a bit destructive in the yard.

She's very pretty on the right of my new settee.  She's also a helpful little gal--it's easier to find my way to the back porch in the dark.  Not that I'm very brave after dark, mind you, but it's nice to see her soft blue glow.
And while photographing the settee, I thought I'd snap a pic of the matching chairs and table.  We will enjoy these in the evenings, don't you think?  Maybe I'll take the plastic off the cushions then.  I've been worried that the "barn" cats will destroy them.  They are much more destructive than the grandkids!  Any suggestions for convincing the cats to stay at the barn or at least off the furniture?

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