
Friday, July 6, 2012

300 and counting!
This post is my 300th!  Wow, what a milestone.  It's amazing to think of the life changes that have occurred since I began putting my crazy thoughts in a forum that the world can read.  It is, indeed, a world-wide forum.....I've had the pleasure of meeting people from almost every continent.   

Some have become friends with whom I share surprisingly close-to-my-heart ideas.  Some stop by regularly and leave a note; others visit every now and again.  But the community that we've built serves as wonderful inspiration, sacred blessings and great karma!  I am extremely grateful to every one.
Of the many people I've met, a few ladies deserve, at the very least, a mention and a special thank you from me.  They have been wonderful inspiration and encouragement. Please visit them and say hello.  

You can find them by clicking on the link below the photos, which all come from these extra-special, bloggy friends.
Jan-Maree at Cherry Red Quilter and Aussie Hero Quilts who is unbelievably prolific when it comes to helping others and making beautiful quilts; 

Dana of Lambs and Ivy Designs who is a master at fabulous ribbonwork; 

Jenclair of Bayou Quilts and Dolls writes about her doll-making, reading, quilting, and inspiration;
Diana and LaDonna at A Sisterly Connection who are all about family and quilting.

And I want you, readers, both regular visitors and every-now-and-again folks, to know how much I appreciate your spending some time at Fleur de Lis Quilts, your inspiration, your kind responses, your appreciation of my craft.  You are the reason I'm still here!  
Happy Quilting,


  1. Well, that is about the sweetest surprise ever!!!! Thank you friend for the sweet shout out!!!

    And a big congrats for your 300th post!!!!


  2. Congrats on your 300th post and thank you so much for your kind words. It is the friendships that we make through our blogs that are the nicest surprise when you start out I think. Thank you for your friendship and here's to another 300 posts!

  3. How nice to sit down to the computer and find such a kind mention! Congratulations, Mary, on 300 posts! Blogging is such a wonderful way to find friends we would never have met otherwise. Thanks, Mary!

  4. Wow, Mary! 300 posts! Awww...your email and this post brought tears to my sweet and thoughtful of you! God bless you!


  5. Yep, they're the bloggy friends! Aren't they just great?
    Hugs to you all,


I read every comment and will visit your blog. Responses to questions and comments will be here, so come back for answers and let's have a conversation. You get the next word!