
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sunday Quilt Inspiration

Let's go back to my Houston photos for today's quilt inspiration.  There are still many left to see and although I'm far from a great photographer, I want to share.

I think these are all from the 2012 Tactile Architecture™  show.....houses and other buildings.

 Thinking you might be interested, I looked up the information on the call for entries page of the Houston Quilt Show.
 Tactile Architecture™ 2013
International Quilt Festival will again showcase architectural quilts in a special exhibit, Tactile Architecture™ 2013. This exhibit will premiere at International Quilt Market and Festival, October 26–November 3, 2013. We would also like to retain quilts for possible exhibit at International Quilt Festival in Cincinnati (April 2014), and our summer International Quilt Festivals in Chicago (June 2014) and Long Beach (August 2014). 
You may submit a total of two quilts for our consideration. Quilts must be a minimum of 25" x 25". There is no "made after" date requirement. Please do not submit a quilt that was included in a previous edition of Tactile Architecture™.
My apologies to the artists if these quilts were not in that particular exhibit.  I may have gotten mixed up walking around.  It's actually very easy to get lost or turned around!  

Hope you enjoyed.
Happy Quilting,


  1. Ooh, these are awesome, I especially like the second and last ones because of the way the artist changed the shades and fabric but kept the landscape totally aligned to create a masterpiece of shades and shadows that almost creates a 3-d effect! I know these aren't your particular style Mom but I bet you could make one like these if you wanted to. I enjoy these posts and pictures by the way and I love you!!!

  2. Look at you, Will! reading and commenting on my blog like an educated man! I'm very proud of you (but I was before, too). Those two quilts, by the way, were made by a group of quilters. They each took a part of the same photograph and made their particular sections, then someone put them all together in one quilt. But yes, it's quite doable. Maybe we should do that: you boys, your wives and Dad and I. I'll gladly put them all together in one quilt and finish it!

    I appreciate that you know my style. Hmm, can you tell me?

  3. P.S. I love you, too, and thanks for reading my blog.


I read every comment and will visit your blog. Responses to questions and comments will be here, so come back for answers and let's have a conversation. You get the next word!