
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Stash additions

Yeah, I did it.  I bought a few things while we were at QuiltCon.  Actually, I didn't spend as much as I'd planned.  Once we were there I discovered that my card wasn't working.  "Denied" is not a pretty word, let me tell you!  It turns out that the card company suspected fraud, and they were right.  So there was no buying on the sly or on the up-and-up. 

Really, choose now to steal my info, buy stuff in the thousands, and get my card blocked?  Now?  Really?  Right when I need it?

Thank goodness, Richard felt sorry for me and came to my rescue.  He's such a good guy.  I'd have been fine without all the laughing, but that put him in a good mood, so okay.... 

Go with whatever God gives you, right?  Turns out that God gave me  hubby in a good mood who happened to be feeling sorry for my bad luck.  Thank you!

So while Rich paid for all the goodies, I attempted to restrain myself.  Not having the cash in my hand sure helped with the self-restraint.

In the end, I got a few pieces of fabric from this darling little line.  Gosh, I wish I could remember the name of it.  I like it so much that I bought an extra yard of the main piece.  I love "word" fabric. 
Edited: It's "Noteworthy" by Moda.....thanks Carla for letting me know.

Since I saw tons of quilts in solids, I bought some yardage of these pretty, very neutral solids.

And I needed a few cones of thread, so I stopped by the YLI booth.  I bought four cones in neutrals.  I really want to try these out before buying more.


While I sat in on a workshop, Rich went looking for something to drink and came back with a fat quarter of this cute bird fabric.  He signed up to win a door prize at one of the booths, and I won.  Gotta love that, right?

Hmm, I see that I'll need to remember that it's a one-way design.  My poor birds are flying upside-down!

And finally, a stop by Moda and Robert Kaufman rendered these cute little charm packets.
I don't know what I'll do with them, yet, but I'm thinking something really cool will come of them. 

What have you added to your stash lately?

Happy Quilting,

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Austin Outdoors

Since we managed to find a little time in Austin to see the city, I thought I'd share a few of the pictures I took.

 A park near downtown close to the river.

And the river.

The walkway at the Four Season's Hotel.  It's just so beautiful.

The Hilton Austin....our hotel.

Some of the shops and businesses downtown from our dinner date at a darling little Mexican restaurant.  

I'll close with a photo of the state capitol building.  There was a rally for Texas schools going on, so we weren't able to get any closer.  But really, I am pretty proud of this one anyway.
Happy Quilting,

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sunday Quilt Inspiration: QuiltCon Continues

We returned to QuiltCon on Saturday morning picking up a few things that I had finally decided on.  Pictures in a day or two of my goodies. 

However, it's now Sunday and I'm thinking of my QuiltCon favorites and since it's also time for Sunday Quilt Inspiration, let's mix the two. 

Happy Quilting,

Friday, February 22, 2013


Yay! A full day of work, followed by a full 8 hours of driving, well riding really, and I was one tired chickadee. But excited!

Of  course, I was a tired chickadee after arriving here, but now, well, now I'm just an exhausted chicken!  If ever there was, there is now nothing cute left in me. 

I literally walked a hole in my socks today.  Ahhh, but what a wonderful, happy day!

Austin is beautiful and Quiltcon is amazing.  There are so many quilts and to see your own hanging with so many well-known quilters is pretty amazing, as well.  For all of this to happen on my birthday makes it even more special for me. (And made it much easier to convince Richard that we absolutely needed to come!)

Here are a few of the 100's of pictures I've taken today.  I'm so very tired that I haven't corrected or cropped them, so my normally bad pics are worse than usual. Sorry.

But I promise that my 53 year old body has had enough.  I'll crop and clean up the next set. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Pin It Wednesday

Modern Quilt RelishBack to Wednesday pinning! Finally!

And because I'm doing a modern theme this week, let's pin some modern quilts.  Yes, more, because you can't have too many moderns!
Crop Circles.  Made by Steph, quilted by That Crazy Quilty Girl, McLisa Starfish Sipes

And what pretty little quilts these darlings are.  Such pretty colors and interesting designs.

Modern Peel quilt

Love these random shapes

modern quilt design

Modern Raindrops  pattern available at Lonni RossiFrom littlest thistle sew happy block"Egg Wash", 25 x 28", Dianne Vottery Dockery

So which is your favorite?  Can you even choose?  
I don't think I can, but then I have the most difficult time making decisions of this nature, which explains why I like moderns for a bit, switch to traditional, then to applique, then to whatever else might be out there. 

My poor husband is on his third can of paint for the dining room and it's been only a week!  His only complaint: how many shades of yellow do you think you like and why do we have to try every one on the walls?  
Happy Quilting,

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Modern Quilt Blogs

I am excited!  I guess the truth is really that I AM EXCITED!





yippee!  yay! 
happy dance and all that

All this excitement has me focused, as much as I can focus anyway, and doing a bit of homework on modern quilts.  I've been reading a few more blogs than usual.  And I've been pinning.  I haven't tweeted, but I've been receiving a few tweets.  I'm happy to report that everything is looking pretty good for this weekend.

Well, I say everything.  Rich and I are planning to go, but we haven't really arranged anything.  He's a fly-by-the-seat kind of guy, and I've been horribly busy trying to catch up at work. 

So when I say everything, I mean everything according to other's reports.  My plan is to get in the car and let Rich take care of the rest.  If all goes well, I'll grade papers and nap a bit for the seven hours that we'll be on the road.  If all goes normally, I'll have to really push through the papers during the return trip.  Therefore, I have a plan: nap a little and grade a lot going, then grade a little and nap more returning.  We'll see how it goes....

Back to real reason for this post: I've been reading more blogs lately and thought I'd share a few very interesting sites with you.

Christa Quilts has a great page of some of the quilts that will be at QuiltCon.  Here's one of the photos that she has posted.  If you're curious about the quilts that got juried in, this is a definite read.  These three quilts are from Kati of From the Blue Chair.  While there, read Kati's profile to find why her blog is called this.

At Moose on the Porch Quilts, Konda has a great list of modern quilt blogs, so you may want to visit there just for the list.  Konda has a booth at Quilt Market and is presenting info for quilt shops--her reason for the list. 

Next up is Film in the Fridge and Ashley's beautiful photos.  It's worth the time just for the experience of enjoying her photos.  Ah, to have her talent!

Faith from Fresh Lemons Quilts has a happy blog about family, sewing, home décor, and, of course, quilting.  Check out her Love Notes quilt.

Kathy blogs about pattern design, her fabric shop, and making things at Pink Chalk Studio.  See these solids posted on her blog, I want!  It's a good thing that I can't physically walk into her shop.  I am out of control online: imagine the damage I could do!

And finally, at Cluck Cluck Sew, Allison is known for her tutorials, several of which I've read to learn how to write instructions for this blog. 

Let's not forget The Modern Quilt Guild, whose mission is "to support and encourage the growth and development of modern quilting through art, education, and community."  
Happy Quilting,

Monday, February 18, 2013

Bright Baby Quilt

A member of the Cotton Quilter's Guild recently brought in this pretty little colorful baby quilt that she made for a family member. 

I am hoping to get it back to her before leaving for QuiltCon, so after work today, I picked up where I left off last week. 

My weekend was consumed with grading papers, so there was practically no time for fun or quilting.  I had hopes of getting a bit more quilting done on this happy quilt, but when I walked in this afternoon, I had many more rows of lines to add.

Mrs. Pat asked for straight line quilting about 1/4 inch away from the seams, so the quilting was fast and easy.  She also wants to add the binding herself, so there was another chore that went extra fast. 
Richard and the older grandchildren were fishing in the pond--catching some nice bream--so there were few distractions.  A little rain and some soft playing country music and I was in the zone.

And in no time it seemed, the quilt was finished.  I love it when everything just flows and works.  My machine did give a grunt at one point, but I cleaned and oiled it, and we were back in business. 

That grunt, of course, would be for my benefit, since I had decided not to worry about the cleaning/oiling before starting.  I'd already done that when I loaded the quilt and hadn't even gotten on the second bobbin of thread. 

Darn it, there are no shortcuts--I'm just happy that I didn't cause some kind of damage.  That would not be an easy conversation with my husband, the sewing machine mechanic who preaches "clean and oil" like it's a sorcerer's incantation. 

There are days when I think it would be easier to practice his witchery than to explain my actions. 

On those days, I experience extreme heart palpitations and vow to clean and oil like Dorothy upon discovering the Tin Man.  I wonder how long this newest vow will last!

Happy Quilting,