
Saturday, March 16, 2013

International Quilting Day

I hope you enjoyed International Quilting Day today.  I managed to get home at about three from the La GEAR UP Spring Conference in Baton Rouge, so that gave me a few moments in the studio before burning out completely.  I had only seven students at the conference, so it wasn't so stressful as, say, Beta Convention. 

Still, I'd had a full, hard day on Wednesday and am trying desperately to finish up grades for the end of the grading period and this week our standardized testing begins, so there's no break or relief.  In fact, our grades are due on the first day of testing.  No matter, I am determined to see the school year break for the summer, so that means keeping up and moving forward! 

Although I went into the studio with the intention of stitching on the binding for the quilt I made last weekend, when I walked in and saw this fabric that Carla send me, I put the quilt aside and began working on a totally new project. 

Carla, from Grace and Favour,  wrote about these darling Triple Zip Pouches that she's been making lately.  She found the design and directions on Debbie's blog, A Quilter's Table.  I've been reading about them and loving them.

I'd printed the directions for the pouch last week, so it was an easy switch to pick up the fabric and get started.  That poor quilt will have to wait another week for binding!  But the good news is that I started AND FINISHED the project.

Before I show you the project, though, I need to give Carla a huge thank you for the fabric. I love the bicycles!  I wish I'd done as nice as job on my Triple Zip Pouch as she did, oh well.  Hugs and thank you, Carla, for the sweet fabric and for pointing me to Debbie's great design.  And another hug to Debbie for taking the time to post a great tutorial.

I did make one change to the final product: I added a ribbon strap so that I can wear it as a cell phone case.  I've lost two cell phones in recent months, so now that I have another (new) android phone, I worry about losing it.  I've tried everything: sticking it in my pocket, in my waistband, even in my bra, and in my bra strap.  Nothing so far has's too big and bulky.
I made another pouch to hang on my belt but I rarely wear a belt now that I've put on weight.  So, this is another attempt.  If it doesn't work, I can easily remove the ribbon. and use the pouch like everyone else.  If it does work, I can change the ribbon out for a better, stronger strap. 
This is a prototype, of sorts, so I'll let you know how it works.  I have to say, it's nice that it's large enough to easily put the phone in or take it out.  (The first one was too tight.) And I think I'll like having a couple of different pockets, too.

Thanks again to Carla and to Debbie.  The rest of you should go by to visit them at Grace and Favour and A Quilter's Table
Happy International Quilting Day, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I'm blushing over here. You are so welcome! You did a great job on the pouch


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