
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Freaked Out

I finished this art quilt last weekend after recovering from Beta Convention.  I was getting close before we left on Wednesday and did not waste any time getting back to it on Saturday.  When I got it down to the handwork, I brought it in to work on while watching TV.  Sunday afternoon our oldest son came in for a few minutes and saw the quilt.  He insisted it is freaky because I included an image of my grandmother on my mom's side.  I had two goals with the image: that it look enough like Ma-ma to be recognized by those who knew her and that it look enough like any little old lady to be a subtle reminder of someone that anyone would "Everyman" character, if you will.

Will found that it's enough like my grandmother to freak him out.  I'm not so sure about that, but when I mentioned it to my sisters last night, they said it would be freaky to them as well. 

Now I'm worried.  I've posted a picture on Facebook and asked friends and family for their opinions.  I can remove the image and replace it with buttons and lace, but I'm not sure I want to do that just yet.  I guess I'll see what the general consensus is.  Definitely feel free to add your voice to the mix.

Happy Quilting,

1 comment:

I read every comment and will visit your blog. Responses to questions and comments will be here, so come back for answers and let's have a conversation. You get the next word!