
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Pin It Wednesday #59

Know what a cloche is?  A pretty little bell-shaped cover.  

modern cake stand | Beehive Cake Stand - contemporary - serveware - by West Elm

A cake cover is one example.  So is a wired cover for a gorgeous Christmas (any holiday) vignette.

Urn with greens, moss and a wire cloche ...

Funny, I was actually searching for a cloche hat because I was pinning hats.  When I typed in cloche It didn't occur to me that I'd get so many glass examples.  But I found a few.  This is my favorite~~pretty little leather books under glass.  How perfect is that?

Need to plan a trip to this place but its a little far for a day trip! I like the old books under a glass cloche

Found a few hats, also.  What pretty little bells these are!

The Pleat Cloche Hat by MaggieMowbrayHats on Etsy, £135.00

Mod Green Cloche Hat for Women by GreenTrunkDesigns on Etsy, $65.00

Look at the embellishment on this beautiful mustard cloche.  
Oh my!

Like the look of fancy?  It's all in the little details!

Side view custom cloche hat

So once I decided that I love the look, I started thinking there has t be a way to get one of these without having to put out tons of money.  I don't have tons of anything, so I have to spend sweat equity to get what I want.

Ta-da!  It's so doable.  Just type in cloche diy~~BOOM!

small cloche jars - clear votives from the dollar store with flat glass marbles glued on top #DIY #craft #cloche

These are cheap glasses turned upside down with glass marbles as handles.  I'd use round marbles or even a glass knob, but you get the idea.  I'm thinking that if I want a larger cloche, I could use glass bowls, but remember to look on the bottom to make sure there's no tell-tale signs like wording.  Wouldn't they make some pretty, inexpensive gifts?  I talking dollar store for starters.

Vintage Style Cloche Hat Pattern, Permission to sell finished items, Instant Download

As for the cloche hat, I had to figure out how milliners get that bell shape.  Here you's a  rounded wedge times six that forms the skull shape.  I've made some infant hats with this rounded wedge (although I wasn't trying for such a tight fit) and found that it's not so difficult to sew together.  I imagine that it would be easy enough to change, or eliminate, the brim of my pattern and adjust the size of the wedge.    And then I found this pattern.  Of course, I don't know one thing beyond this drawing, but I'm betting we could figure it out.  What do you think?

#millinery #hatpattern #hats   cloche hat tutorial
Let me know if you've made a version of the cloche glass cover or the hat.  I'm curious how that turned out.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Mary! I don't know how to post on your other social media thing, I am not really into all that. So I ended up here. At least I understand blogs!!!

    About the Louisiana Traveling Quilt. It is a brainchild of the NELA Modern Quilt Guild who extended the offer to play to us in the Not Your Momma's Modern Quilt Guild in Baton Rouge.
    Contact Ramona at

    NeLa ModernQuiltGuild

    And she is pretty quick about getting back with you.

    It is a Modern Challenge iin conjunction with the Modern Quilt Guild. So i you are interested, please think about joining us!

    Where are you again? I can't remember and your blog didn't say, that I could find.

    glen in baton rouge


I read every comment and will visit your blog. Responses to questions and comments will be here, so come back for answers and let's have a conversation. You get the next word!