
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Mosaic Runner Tutorial~~part 1

It would be too much to try to post everything I did or learned about creating my mosaic floor runner in one post, so this is part one: prep work.  

One thing I did realize is that if you have more floor to cover than leg muscles to move your body, you will feel the burn, pain, and cramps.  Do yourself a huge favor and choose your runner size carefully.

Secondly, you need lots of tile pieces.  I broke and cut pieces till I was tired and Richard said I had enough.  He was wrong.  That simply meant that while I was cutting, the mud on the floor was drying.  Meaning I was forced to hurry--NOT safe.  I have all my limbs and the rug is no worse for wear, but I do not recommend it.

Let's start with breaking tiles. You'll need an old heavy towel or sheet, a hammer, some tile pieces and a hard surface.  I also used an old aluminum bat because it was handily lying nearby.

If using a sheet, fold it in half and spread it on the hard surface.  You'll use it to keep pieces of tile from flying when you break it with the hammer.  To do this, spread the folded sheet on the hard surface, lay tile pieces on half, then drape the other half of the sheet over the tile pieces.  No tying necessary, but you surely can tie it if you want.  I used the aluminum bat more than the hammer because it worked really 
well--just hit the bat on the row of tiles.  Hit hard but use only one whack and keep the length of the bat flat for a neater, straighter line.  If using a hammer, hit each piece of tile once.  It's easy to "see" the tiles if you pat the sheet down first.

Uncover and remove the pieces that are small enough (I found 4x4 inches or smaller worked well), cover the larger pieces and break again. Continue in this way until you have enough broken pieces.  

Some of the pieces may end up in a triangular shape.  I was worried about the sharp points causing some problems when we walked on them barefooted.  

 To fix that, I held the point up and tapped against it with the hammer.  My idea was to break off the points, but mostly I dulled them only a little.  

About the time I got really tired, Richard decided that I could use the saw.  Now understand, I had a whole lesson on safety.  The blade is a diamond blade and can cut through bone.  It can cut glass.  It can cut porcelain. The blade is diamond and can cut your fingers and hand completely off.  It spins extra fast.  It can pull your hand into the saw and will not stop. It's a diamond blade. 

 Diamond.  Diamond! 

Eventually I had a box of cut pieces. And I was tired of the tough love.  Every time he walked outside, my sweet husband checked on me.  All parts intact?  How's it going?  That's a diamond blade.  It's dangerous.  Stand back away from the saw.  That diamond blade will cut through bone.

Those safe hands are Richard's.  I tell you: I got a thorough lesson.

And now, a couple of photos of the rug.  Later in the week I'll explain how I laid out the pieces.  

See you for Moasic Runner Tutorial~~Part 2.

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