
Monday, May 11, 2015

Cotton Quilter's Guild Meeting

Last week the Cotton Quilters Guild held its monthly meeting, and I was lucky enough to attend.  We've changed the format of the meeting.  We now have the social time before the formal meeting. 

The hope is that members will have visited and snacked, so we'll be a little more attentive and the meeting can run more smoothly. Also, because we begin with some socializing, we quickly move into show and share.  

I always enjoy this part of the meeting because my guild members are so very talented.  A few more interesting pieces that were shared follow:

Since I also attended the April meeting but didn't show the photos that I took, I thought I'd show a few of those as well.  Hope you enjoy!

 My apologies for the poor quality of the photos.  These ladies are quick on the draw.  They do not stand still for even a moment!  There are two of us who generally try to take photos, Mrs. Helen Mire who writes the guild newsletter, and me.  If one of us gets a good photo, it's pretty amazing.  

Mrs. Helen is a much better photographer but she struggles.  Since I try not to get in her way,  I generally am a bit late in snapping.  (I take photos for a more self-serving purpose, after all.)  That means my usually bad photo skills are even worse.  It's okay, though.  I really enjoy seeing the quilts.

I'll close with this photo of several guild members who worked to make quilts and pillow cases for the children of St. Jude's Children's Hospital.  They got together a couple of times during February and March to make this nice stack of children's quilts.

1 comment:

  1. I do enjoy seeing what other quilters are making. Thank you for sharing.


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