
Thursday, February 18, 2016

Design board crumbs

When we last talked about the crumb quilt, I had made several crumb blocks in yellow, green and blue. They were looking pretty good, but I had no idea what I wanted to do with them after this point. 

Although this percolated in my mind for a couple of days, I was still stumped for a next step. So I decided to cut them all the same size. Why not?

I pulled out the largest square block for the Studio cutter (6") and started cutting the blue pieces. I carefully placed the pieces so that I was able to save as much of the cut-offs as possible. Eventually I was able to sew those back together into another square. I really like the precision of the cutter. 

Crumb squares are especially difficult to cut with either scissors or the rotary cutter because of the seams.

From there it was much easier to come up with a plan. I decide to frame each piece with different sized strips to off-set the crumb pieces.

After I finished a few of these I felt that I was getting somewhere and kept going, this time adding different colors to the mix.

And this is where I am now. I hope to finish the blocks tomorrow so that I can begin sewing the strips together on Saturday. Of course, much depends on how exhausted I am when I get home from school. Teaching seems to take the wind out of me. 

I have been working on my circles in the evening, though. Richard watches television for a couple of hours or snores through a couple of shows, anyway. That is a great time for a little hand work, especially something so portable as the circle blocks. I'm enjoying it much more than I expected, which means I may be able to keep it going for a while longer. I guess we'll see. 

Linking up with 


  1. For some reason none of your pictures are showing up for me!

  2. The only pic I could see was on the link thumbnail, but sure like what I am seeing there!

  3. I thought it was just my alternative equipment but only the link up photo shows up.
    Your process sounds very interesting. Great idea to make squares and then find a way to use the crumbs. I'll check back again to see the photos.
    Thanks for linking up with AHIQ.

  4. I don't see any photos either...just square boxes with a - sign in them. I have a bunch of crumb blocks and am always looking for new ways to use them.

  5. I am so very sorry everyone. I have no idea what the problem is with the photos. This has happened before and nothing I do seems to fix the problem. I used the same camera and the same programs to edit the pics. I just don't know what to do, but I'll take suggestions.

  6. At least we can see where you are up to with this on the link-up photo, which is looking good!


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