
Saturday, March 26, 2016

!!! NEW !!!

Have you noticed the new look of Fleur de Lis Quilts?
It's been a couple of weeks in the works. I haven't a clue how to save the changes without actually making the changes happen. So there's no big reveal, just a change here and there when I get a moment steal an hour to work on it. 

Aside from the big difference of the newer, cleaner photos across the top (figuring out how to do that was difficult interesting), there are a few other changes or additions.  

  • The tutorials page is organized! Check that out because I worked really hard.
  • new linky party page is available for those followers who like to crash a party or two.  They are arranged by weekday so that it's easy to figure out who, what, when, where AND every party has a link. I've been working on this page for a while and have over 50 links, but if you know of  an error or a party that I've missed, please shoot me a note or email. 
  • I've added a poem or two to my poetry page. The poems are all original and penned by me.
  • I don't know how many tips/techniques were up the last time you visited the page, but I now have 11 and plan to add more. By all means, check back.
  • Finally, I hope you visit my quilts page. Nothing there has changed but while I'm tooting my horn... 
In other words, hang out a bit, look around, leave comments, ask questions, join in the conversation. If you'd prefer, you can still send me an email at 

And as always, thank you for coming. I'll gladly visit your blog and follow, especially if you leave me a note. In fact, for that, I'll comment on your blog as well, and I generally have lots to say.  


  1. I had been meaning to say I had noticed some changes, Mary, I think your new look is great - really clean and appealing. I'm especially impressed by your header; I just can't figure that stuff out.

  2. You have been very busy with all your changes. Well done!


I read every comment and will visit your blog. Responses to questions and comments will be here, so come back for answers and let's have a conversation. You get the next word!