
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Customer Memory Quilt ~~ Finished

Welcome to TGIFF! I am very pleased to host Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday and especially want to thank Fiona for her help and support. What a nice gal!

I've been working on a customer quilt that took longer than I expected. One of the reasons for the extra time had to do with my playing. I always do that. Play with the quilt. 

Maybe I'm afraid that quilting will become work if I don't get to play. I do enjoy the playing part!

I pulled motifs from the shirts to create the quilting designs. That was so much fun that I played on the entire quilt...spending much more time on it than I should have. 

This quilt is heavy. As in weight kind of heavy. The shirts are synthetic and heavy despite the fact that many are mesh. Of course, because they are mesh, I had to add a quilting-weight cotton under them. To reduce the weight of the quilt, I cut away the backs of the shirts and as much of the bottoms as I could.

But mostly I played. Did you notice the extra work I did with the red and white uniform? The undershirt is quilted, but the sleeveless over-shirt is not so that it can be buttoned closed or left to hang open. Rather cool, don't you think? I played a lot! But I had fun doing it.

Quilt Stats
Sports Memories
84" x 88"
customer shirts, Kona solids for front, natural muslin from backing
Kona Olive
improvisational design
custom free motion quilting  
April 2016

The fabric yardage was included in last month's report with all the other purchases, so this month it get counted as usage from my stash. I have no intention of counting purchased fabrics twice! Of course, you don't think that the report will show a wash, do you?

So now it's your turn! What have you been working on? What's your finish for the week.  Click the link and I'll be visiting your blog in the next few days.  


  1. What a stunning quilt...truly a work of art! I love all your unique touches x

  2. Ali, thank you for linking to TGIFF. Your crocheted bunny is adorable. The teddy bear, to say the least, is unbelievable! How can anyone crochet a bear that small and still get shape and details as you did? It's pretty amazing! I hope lots of my visitors go by your blog to see your beautiful work.

  3. Lovely, your customer will be delighted. I do like your idea of the over shirt, very clever touch. Thank you for hosting TGIFF this week, I enjoyed my visit.
    Smiles from

  4. I like what you have done with this a lot It's the first t-shirt quilt I remember seeing that keeps the shape of the shirts, rather than cutting rectangles from the front, and it works really well. I also like how the
    shirt fronts are interspersed with the numbers. It's great, Mary.

  5. Thank you for hosting TGIFF. I enjoyed seeing the uniqueness of your the T-Shirt quilt. I liked how you included sleeves and vest along with the cut out emblems. It's different from a lot of T-Shirt quilts. Great job!

  6. This is such a cool quilt! I really love all the extras. Great finish!

  7. That is one creative T-shirt quilt! And yes, they can be heavy!

  8. Wow, what a lot of work! I did notice that vest! Very very cool.

  9. You have a lot of special touches on this quilt. I love it! Fantastic work!

  10. That is SO cool!! I love how you have been so creative and all those fun details really make the quilt feel alive!

  11. Awesome playing! I love to see a unique t-shirt quilt.

  12. What a fabulous finish! Your customer must have been thrilled with this quilt.

  13. I've never seen a t-shirt quilt like this before! I love that you have the whole front of some of the shirts, and the 3D red and white one is amazing! Your customer must be very pleased :)

  14. That is a lovely finish and a very special memory quilt. beautiful work.

  15. Thanks everyone! I think I've made to all of your blogs and left comments rather than send you private emails. I really appreciate your comments and notes and love that you've been so positive about this (heavy) little customer quilt. I've heard back from her and she is thrilled with the outcome.


I read every comment and will visit your blog. Responses to questions and comments will be here, so come back for answers and let's have a conversation. You get the next word!