
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Of Amaryllis and Puppies

What can I say? I love these beautiful amaryllis. They bloom every year at this time and are huge, even for amaryllis. 

Apparently the bulbs are multiplying because there have never been so many before. A closer look shows that there are eight open and two more are close to bursting.

While I can't get the color quite right in a photograph, I can tell you that they are lipstick red with a tinge of white on the backside of the bloom. I bought one bulb in a box meant to bloom on my desk, then once the flowers were finished, convinced Richard to plant them in the yard. 

I can easily see them from the kitchen window, a perfect location! I'm a bit tempted to dig them up and separate the bulbs, but they are doing so well, that I've decided (again) to leave them alone. Apparently the camellia shrub is a wonderful neighbor because they get along beautifully. 

And of puppies...this is a typical evening at our house:

Little Little claims her own seat.
Candy claims a lap.
Cotton claims a footrest (mine).
Have a great week. Thanks for visiting,


  1. Stunning flowers with a beautiful colour!

  2. Wow, your amaryllis are stunning. We only really see them growing singly, indoors in pots. They are altogether a different proposition en masse like that. Cute pups.


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