
Monday, August 29, 2016

Closer and closer to a finish!

I may get this one finished. This big, huge king-sized quilt. The one I've been working on for such a long time. Since July 23rd, in fact. Over a month. That's a long time for a quilt made entirely by machine. Especially for me. 

And it's not even finished. Yet. But I'm getting closer.  I took this picture to before pulling it off the machine so that I could show you just how big the quilt is. My machine is 120 inches wide, the quilt backing has a wingspan that stretches from one end of the machine to the other. It should end up about 105-110 inches.  And it's just as long. 

Oh wow, I just had a hint of the amount of binding I'll need. I may as well shoot for 450 inches--12 yards?! That just can't be right. I double checked my math. Then I had Richard do the math. Yes, 12 yards of binding! 

Each of the chevrons has a different quilting motif which really stretched my brain and forced me to work with a few motifs that I'm not entirely comfortable with. 

But somehow I managed to get through the entire quilt and took it off the machine. I hope to begin cutting out the binding tomorrow and perhaps sew it on over the weekend. 


  1. That is a lot of work, but it is looking great!

  2. Such lovely work--and such a BIG job! :)

  3. Congratulation on getting that huge quilt off the machine. Love the quilting!


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