
Monday, August 1, 2016

On Pincushions and Guild Meetings

Today I attended our August meeting of the Cotton Quilters' Guild and enjoyed it all very much. The following are pictures--yes, I took some!--from our Show and Share.

Blocks from the Guild BOM
Coin quilt made from precuts 
Charity baby quilt 

A granddaughter's First Communion
dress...oh, the detail!
A tumbler quilt
A paper doll quilt with some of the doll clothes
A 12-year-old visitor shows off her quilt

****On Pincushions****
Amanda Jean has been quite inspirational with her many (30!) pincushions. I don't think I have the stamina for the one-per-day challenge, but I do enjoy zipping together a few each week. Today I took these three to the guild meeting and added them to the monthly mini prizes.

To make things a bit more interesting, I added four wonder clips to each small pincushion.  I wrote about the multicolored one last week, but the two yellows are new to you. 

Happily I remembered to add my pretty little labels on each one. There are times that I forget to do that, but I'm getting better. 

And that's my week so far. I start back at school on Monday, so I'm going to try to get as much sewing in as possible over the next few days. I'm still working on that huge king quilt for one of the boys and it's taking quite a bit more time than I'd hoped. Of course, the little things keep getting in the way, and a four day camping trip may have been fun, but it did not allow for any stitching. I'm going to get into the studio and sew until Monday!!!

Happy Quilting,


  1. It is always motivating to see quilts that others share. And your pin cushions are looking great. Love how bright and cheery they are.

  2. Oh, they are wonderful, Mary! I love them--so fun and cheerful! I remember about ten years ago, quilters had trouble finding good yellows. all of these yellows are lemony perfection. :)

    Oh, and I have a book recommendation for you: Hag-Seed (a retelling of The Tempest) by Margaret Atwood. My favorite book of the year and added to my all-time favorites.

  3. Thanks Karen and Jenclair! Yellow is not a color I use very often but I'm working on that...I have been collecting some really pretty yellows, too.

    Jenclair, I will find a copy of Hag-Seed...I really like Atwood's writing. It would be interesting to read her version of The Tempest and maybe a little easier than Shakespeare's version.


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