
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Down a Size and Stash Report

If it seems that I've been working on lots of small projects, it's because that is exactly the case of my sewing lately. This time it's a pair of jeans that I bought recently. I hate trying on clothes, especially in stores, so I waited to get home to put these on.

Once we returned home, though, there were groceries to put away, a demanding little granddaughter, and several puppies needing attention. The jeans didn't get put on. 

Two days later I noticed the jeans in the closet. Richard had washed them and hung them up in the closet. Wow! What a sweetheart! Except, wait, I didn't know whether they fit. Oh well, I'd make them work. I'd have to since I could not return them any more.

They did not fit. And making them work? Well, that took much more work than I first imagined. The hips, crotch, and length all needed altering, but 30 minutes of sewing and testing fixed up most of the problems. 

They may not fit exactly as I'd like, but they are pretty close. Considering how large they were originally, I'm satisfied. Surely they will be more comfortable than when I wore them on Friday and had to keep hiking them up. 

I suppose it's a good thing that I'm not particular about my clothes. I prefer comfort over style, so getting these comfortable was my most important aim. Which is more important to you, comfort or style?

And drumroll please, this month's stash report brought to you by "Be It Less Than You Can" weightloss systems! So that you can be less than you are right now.  Yeah, yeah, get over it, already. There are no drums and no weight lost. Just an ordinary stash report with a few yards used in October, but not many.

Stash Report for October 2016
Additions and
Projects from stash
Projects in Progress
Used this month:
Baby Bunting
two scrap quilts
Added this month:
Yellow Chevron
Moda Noteworthy quilt
Used in 2016:
various small projects
Quilty 365
Added in 2016:

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes the little jobs have to take priority. But I must admit I hate stitching jeans!!


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