
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Pin It Weekly #180

Happy Thanksgiving! I understand that not all of my readers celebrate Thanksgiving the way we do here in the U.S., I think that most of the world celebrates or gives thanks for their blessings. So I hope that it's appropriate to share a few Thanksgiving pins. Well, actually, I am sharing my typical Thanksgiving dinner menu with you via Pinterest pins.

Baked Turkey

Pork Roast
Find out how to roast pork perfectly so it's tender and juice on the inside and browned and crunchy on the outside. Perfect every time!

Green Bean Casserole

Sweet Potato Casserole
This Sweet Potato Casserole is my absolute FAVORITE side dish at Thanksgiving or anytime really! It is perfectly sweet with a delicious crumb topping! It is always the first thing to disappear wherever I bring it!

Carrot Souffle
Piccadilly Carrot Souffle

Pecan Pie
Old Fashioned Southern Pecan Pie Recipe:

Richard's parents and all of the children and grandies are coming for supper, and they generally bring along a dish. I expect salad and rolls. And while I posted Carrot Souffle, Adam is going to fix that dish using carrots from his garden. We'll be fixed up with more than enough to give thanks for, and I'm not talking about food. 

Happy Thanksgiving


  1. I LOVE the printable you used around the napkin and flatware. That is wonderful. Did you create that or do you have a link for it. I would love to save it for another celebration. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!!

  2. Thanks Bernie, but no, it's not my design. I found it on Pinterest, but it originated from Jenny at Bloom Design. Here's the address specific to her printable:

    Thanks for visiting and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  3. I hope you all had a very happy Thanksgiving. :-)

  4. I wish I was at your Thanksgiving table. What a lovely spread!


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