
Monday, November 21, 2016

Quilts and Lemons

For several days now I've been trying to find some time to get to Baton Rouge for the Greater Baton Rouge Arts Council Modern Quilt Guild Show. What fun we had! 

First off, I should say that I "know" two of the quilters, which always adds to the fun factor. I met both of them through the La. Traveling Quilt Bee and have continued to chat with them via email and blogs. Kelly is one of the BR quilters who came to our play date back in July. Kelly has two quilts in the show. 

Glen has one quilt in the show, but even better than getting to see her quilt in person, I had a chance to talk with her on the phone. We've chatted quite a bit through email and I love reading her blog, Quilts and Dogs

Glen's quilt, "When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade"

Getting to chat with Glen, even for a few minutes, was nice. I am always amazed how two people who have never met, can find so many subjects to chat and laugh about once they know what they have in common. As I was talking to Glen, I felt that we could easily chat and laugh for hours. (No, Richard, I did not freak her out by telling her that. Really, he asked!)

The Arts Council just happens to be hosting a children's arts camp this week, so some of the quilts had been taken down, I assume, so the children would not damage them

Quilt by Pat van Buren, another quilter
who participated in the La. Traveling Quilt Bee

Oh the bright side, we were regaled with music by 8-10 years olds with drums, a horn and several other instruments. It was their first day, so they were getting to know each other and determine which instrument each would enjoy. We did not stay long. 

Nevertheless, we did stay long enough to discover the secret room where the quilts that had been removed were congregated on a desk. I got to see all of the quilts after all. Hey, leave 'em hanging!

After that, I snapped a picture of Marley being silly because this particular quilt had something about lemons written on it. She found the saying, "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade," quite funny. Of course, Poppa had just mentioned that you might have lemons but no sugar. She's pretending to drink this idea of lemonade. Thanks for the laugh, Glen!

Once outside we strolled around for a few blocks and found several places that we didn't even know existed in downtown. The idea was to walk some of that lemonade off so this little stinker would be quiet on the way home. It worked like a charm.

How was your Monday? 

1 comment:

  1. I always love seeing roundups of quilt show visits - so many ideas all in one place. Sounds like you had some fun too!


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