
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Headband Beginnings

A student in one of my classes wore a cute little headband on Monday. That got me thinking--I could make a few headbands for the girls for Christmas. 
No sooner than I had the idea, Jenny told me that they would like initial tee shirts like I made last year. So now I have to decide which one I'll make. I don't think that I have enough time to make them each two items...there are too many girls!

 In the meantime, I took a few minutes to make one for myself using some of fleece scraps. Just in time, too, since we will have cold weather on Thursday. Very cold weather. 
Rain at 28 degrees. Brrrr!

I will be very happy to have this little ear warmer, especially since the pink side is an extra-thick, fuzzy fleece. 

Not a bad look for a 50-something English teacher, right? Ha! I will not have my hair down, and I probably won't have a smile at 28 degrees. I'm miserable in cold. My skin gets dry, itchy, rough. And that's how it starts. It ends too ugly to describe.

What are you making in this icy, cold weather?


  1. Great idea! We're in snow up to our knees, so it may be a good idea to make a few of these with mittens to match!

  2. I hate to tell you this, but the temperature here this week has hovered around 59 degrees. Not really winter at all, even for me, and I hate the cold with a passion.

  3. Kaja, a steady 59 would be wonderful, but Louisiana has trouble deciding just what kind of weather is best: we have had temperatures drop as much as 40 degrees in a day. Today is sunny, windy and in the 50s but Friday was dreary, rainy and in the low 40s. Two weeks ago: in the 90s and hot!

    We rarely know what we're going to wake up to, so I always have a jacket in the car, a sweater in my classroom, and lots of blankets to wrap grands in should the weather change while someone is visiting.


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