
Monday, December 26, 2016

The Crazy Bunch

My family is such a fun-loving crew. Traditionally we wait to have our get-together/gift exchange on Christmas night. This allows the kids to wake up to Santa surprises, go to mass, and visit their in-laws, or whatever they choose to do.

This year we decided to exchange gifts, have supper and then play games so the little ones could join in the fun. They had been running around screaming for most of the evening and the adults decided this would help to settle them down a little. Of course, not one made much of an effort to pick up or straighten the house, so excuse the messes in the pictures. 

Ha! It's crazy to think that we'd play a game and be quiet. It started relatively calmly, but that did not last long. We started out with some form of charade that didn't work very well but eventually got off the ground. I looked up a couple of family games and in no time we were rolling with laughter as everyone took turns acting out their animal for "White Elephant." Here's a minute of some of our fun and laughter.

When we got tired of animals, we turned to "Giants, Wizards, Elves." That's basically "Paper, Rock, Scissors" but using sound effects and your whole body. Even the shy ones got into that game. 

What happened here, I can't say exactly.  But we laughed way too much for such silliness. I'll only say retaliation is never good.

What are some fun family games your family plays? I can always add to our list...

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