
Saturday, January 7, 2017

December Stash Report

It's time to report again. December was the month of little projects and one unplanned baby quilt. I could have made another baby quilt with the time it took to make 10 or so headbands. However I've been making these for students who need warm clothing, so it's been a pleasure.

The pincushions, well, those are just for fun. I hope you've had a few just-for-fun projects this month also.
Stash Report for December 2016
Additions and
Projects from stash
Projects in Que
Used this month:
pink baby quilt (3)
two scrap quilts
Added this month:
headbands    (1)
Moda Noteworthy quilt
Used in 2016:
various pincushions (½)
khaki scrap quilt
Added in 2016:

I'm impressed with the amount of yardage that I used this year. Of course, I bought half as much to replace it. I'm blaming Hancock Fabrics for the purchases since I bought most of it during their closing sale. In fact, I'm still amazed with the fabric that I bought with $100.  Hopefully, I'll use more than I buy in 2017. 

Though I may tweak my report, I've decided to keep track of my fabric usage again this year. I've discovered that it's a good way to encourage myself to use more fabric than I buy. In fact, I was encouraged to avoid buying all together--until the store closing--so it's a good way to stick with that goal. 

Are you planning to keep a stash report? How does it help you?

1 comment:

  1. I'm not keeping track, but have set rules for myself which have the effect of reducing my purchases quite significantly.


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