
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Pin It Weekly #186

"#planwithmechallenge Day 15: Gratitude  I like to write down little tid-bits of what I'm grateful for in my dailies, but this is by far my favorite #gratitude page to date in my #BulletJournal  I just love looking back at it from time to time and smiling as I read all of the things that bring happiness and joy to my life ☺️" Photo taken by @boho.berry on Instagram, pinned via the InstaPin iOS App! (10/15/2015): At noon on Monday, the wind picked up and a tornado blew in. Actually seven (7!) tornados touched down in or near the Central Louisiana area causing insane thunder, lightening, rain and drastic changes in the temperature. Oh, and flood watch, again. One tornado destroyed many of the older buildings in the Bunkie area, then decided to go to Marksville to tear off roofs. Along the way, it terrorized another small town. Of course, electricity has been out for most people and still is for some. 

Hi, Theresa here with my second A Day in May project!I made a mini album with some old photos of my daughter.Thank you Marianne for the lovely flowers!The letter decorations are made with paper clay and very old foamstamps ;)Love to play with thread and pearls...Many thanks for…: We were barely affected, thank goodness, except for the electrical outage and this weird internet problem. Oddly, the wifi works, but only in some cases. I cannot go to any other blogs, though believe me I've tried, and I can't seem to be able to check my school email. Strangely I can check my personal gmail account. Hopefully everything will be back in working order soon. 

jolie jupe.:

But we can have Pin It Weekly. Only I haven't been able to pin anything. I can go to Pinterest. Look at anything on Pinterest. No pinning. And clicking on anything is a huge waste because other blogs will not open. I tell you, the wifi is almost a strange as the weather.

So anyway, these are a few things that have been pinned in the time that I've not been able to do any of my own pinning. Most of these are from followers--thank you for following!--and are in no particular order. Just some random stuff. 

Easy Ham and Cheese Quiche- great way to use up leftover ham!:

Manteau de foyer:

.... voor meer inspiratie of  #intereuradvies #vastgoedstyling #woningfotografie:

And then, I found Timber Shelton's site. Oh wow! I got stuck there for the rest of the hour.  Here are some things I want to come back to and pin--when the wifi gods allow, of course! In the meantime, you want to must check it out. 
Looking Into Memory, by Murray Johnston. This landscape art quilt is representative of her other works. She is a gifted artist working in the medium of fabric and thread. Go to her website to see more of her amazing quilts. This is one of her free-form quilts.:

This padded sewing machine mat has pockets and a removable thread catcher.  Then it also doubles up as a sewing machine cover too! Great free tutorial and pattern.:

Organizing Made Fun: How to put pegboard on a block wall to cover up ugly pipes {and more details}.  I like the idea of decorated pegboard that I can use for organizing cleaning supplies.:

Questo mese vi portiamo alla scoperta dei termini tecnici dei copricapi maschili e femminili più famosi. BOATER: conosciuta anche come “paglietta”, è un tipico cappello di paglia dalla cupola piatt...:

14-Weave-other_work.jpg (500×633):
Coat glossary:

Melody Johnson: Art Quilts - Galleries - Matchsticks and Cruciform Series - lots of quilts!!:


  1. Crazy weather conditions. Pleased you are okay. And hope your internet sorts out for you.

  2. I kind of like this random selection. I'm glad the worst of the weather missed you and hope your internet starts behaving itself soon.


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