
Sunday, April 9, 2017

Sunday Quilt Inspiration: W O R D S

So true. Sew'n Wild Oaks Quilting Blog: Another Day at the Nursery: I heard an interview on the radio today while I was cutting out a project to take with me to an upcoming retreat. A song-writer (sorry that I missed his name) was talking about how he struggled for almost a month to write a song for a particular singer. In the interview he said something along the lines of not having the words for the song he wanted to write. "I have words. I have lots of words. I just couldn't find them," he said. 

That statement reminded me of my own epiphany about words. A co-worker and I were talking about what we read, and I said I read just about anything. I gave her examples: Popular Mechanics, Smithsonian, anything quilting, blogs, books, articles I find on my phone, and so on. She laughed saying she does not spend that much time reading. And without thinking, I said, "I just need the words." That struck her as funny, but I was serious. I've since thought about it quite a bit and decided I do need words. So here are a few rarely used words...

Today's Word of the Day is flumadiddle. Learn its definition, pronunciation, etymology and more. Join over 19 million fans who boost their vocabulary every day.:

Guys this is Sam and Dean in the Impala that has been mistaken for a hipster photo how has no on noticed this:’s Word of the Day - ataraxia - a state of freedom from emotional disturbance and anxiety.:

Maybe not a name but I find this interesting and I think I have this. I love thunder and lightening.:

(pronoun) me; people suffering from severe chronic intractable pain.:

A concept to potentially live by in 2015 - Sophrosyne - it's an ancient Greek concept of an ideal of excellence of character and soundness of mind, which when combined in one well-balanced individual leads to other qualities, such as temperance, moderation, prudence, and self-control...x: peiskos (n.) the feeling you get when you sit in front of a fireplace and enjoy its warmth.:

This totally defines me… NYCTOPHILIA, my new word of the day.:

And would you like words on quilts? Well, here are a few from my "heart, quilts" board...

Share a good song in a quilt.: What a neat quilt. I love the idea for someone who looked forward to a birth but didn't get to see the little one grow up. Makes me think of Uncle Dave who i never got to meet.

Secret Diary 21: "To a different rhythm" 2005 ~ Angela Moll  "I learned to sew about the time I learned to write. Today I keep on writing & sewing: I keep journals, compile field notes, & I make quilts. It often strikes me how very similar those activities are. How the sentences snake along the page in much the same way as a line of stitches through the fabric. In my current body of work I use screen printing as a means of bringing together my love for long hand writing & for the stitched li...:

Nothing Lost by Paul Loebach - felted wool quilt patterned after an ancient biblical proverb adopted by American quilters in the civil war era.: Elm Street Quilts: Words are - quilt top is finished!!!:

Four letter words of happiness:

QuiltCon 2015 (70) // lol: "Don't Make Me Break out the Flying Monkeys" by QuiltDivaJulie:

But first TEA… | kviltstina:

Use All The Crayons in the Box quilt:

And just for fun, the last word on the subject...
Vocabulary Word:  Proquiltinating:  working on quilts when you should be doing laundry, or dishes, or picking kids up from school.:


  1. What a great post! I love all of those words for such specific circumstances. And quilts with words are "da bomb!" (a phrase that probably began its decline two decades ago) I'm busy seeking sophrosyne. :)

  2. I wasn't nice to begin with and then (to make matters worse) I started quilting - :-D
    Love all the quilts with words. Thank you for sharing :-)

  3. If anyone can appreciate words, it's has got to be you, Jenclair. Your letters and books and blog are terribly impressive.

    Preeti, you and I have got to figure out what that first line means. lol We'll talk in email. Don't these quilts inspire you to add words to your own quilts? I just have to narrow the words down to a few. Hmmm....


I read every comment and will visit your blog. Responses to questions and comments will be here, so come back for answers and let's have a conversation. You get the next word!