
Saturday, June 24, 2017

That Crazy Redbird

I can not tell you how many times a day I say those words! "That crazy redbird" is making a mess on every window he attacks. We'll have to pressure wash the house. (Yes, it needs pressure washing already. That's not the point!)

Jenny has been parking just anywhere in the middle of the parking area, which is pretty big. When I asked her why, she said it's because the birds are leaving droppings on her dark paint. It's nasty. This video is mostly for her benefit, but I thought it funny enough to share. Keep in mind that I had to stay inside the studio so as not to scare him and it was showering. Just keep your eye on the side mirror.


  1. Is he fighting his reflection?

  2. I suppose so. The funny thing is that he goes specifically to this mirror but not the others. He also does this on the window...any window. I really do think he's crazy. We had redbirds do this in spring many years, but this guy is ultra-aggressive. At least he's not attacking the humans!

  3. From Mary Stori of The Inside Stori (via email b/c she couldn't comment here)

    We too had to cope with a nutty bird....who came back year after year (or a member of his flock!). Apparently they see their reflection in the window.....and think it's time to mate OR they attempt to scare an offending bird away.'s such a mess....


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