
Thursday, September 21, 2017

Cotton Quilters' Meeting | September

Last Monday the Cotton Quilters Guild held its September meeting. After dispensing with our usual meeting agenda, we had a few out-of-the-ordinary items to handle. At the end of the month we'll hold our quilt show and craft fair. 

Several people are working to get things organized, but Pam, the president, is handling most of the details. She's the kind of girl who likes to make sure things are done right. During the meeting, however, I convinced her that I'm handling the booth arrangements and that I have things under control.

At some point we got to show and share, which was short since there weren't many people showing quilts. But wow! We were pretty impressed. We've seen Cleo's quilt with the animal appliques as a WIP, but it's now finished and ready for its first show. 

There are so many cute animals, but that skunk is too fun. The momma opossum with the babies on her back just draws the viewer in and makes her really look.  Now that's a wonderful thing, but it also means that people are seeing every little detail and quilters are able to analyze your work. Just a little intimidating, don't you think?

Bertha's quilt is for a very lucky grandchild. Aren't those stars something?!

And this last one that I got a photo has fun abstract flowers. I really like the way Marilyn framed them
with the window sashing. It makes the black and white have a wallpaper effect. Can you imagine looking out the window to these pretty Dr. Suess-like flowers? 

And that's how our little guild ticks. One of the nicer aspects of being retired is that I can attend guild meetings, and I've set a goal to go to at least 10 of the 12 that we have each year.  Not too much, I hope. Have a great week!


  1. How nice that you have the time to go to your guild meetings; it's always interesting to see what other people are doing.

  2. Stunning quilts being shared!! Enjoy your meetings.


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