
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Pin It Weekly #224

Baby animals to the rescue, because when you need to get out of your funk what could be more efficient? Or cuter? Baby people, sure, but these are some pretty darling little ones. Enjoy and pin to your heart's desire!

Baby ass lol. Actually its a donkey but ass sounds so much funnier.

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Baby Girraffe

Dachshund puppy

Aww... Fennec hare.


Baby Elephant ~ How cute is this?

sleepy koala

Tiger Cub by Josi  Lan!

Kid goats - my first pet as a child was a kid goat called Waggy.



Sleepy Tiger

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A Hard Day

Jake Thomas DucoteToday was the funeral for the young man who died last week from when his friend shot him with an automatic rifle. Jake had many friends and family, but I was still astounded by the numbers that showed up last evening for the wake service, and this morning at the funeral. 

My husband and sons have always known Jake and his dad, so we are quite close. Additionally, Steve and Mike have been best friends forever, so our families are really connected. As I wrote a few days ago, we are friends who choose to be family. 

Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor
Sitting on the side and watching this young couple bury their only child was hard, sad, heart-wrenching. We came home this afternoon exhausted. Now, having taken a long nap, I still feel sad and exhausted, as though the wing was punched out of my lungs. 

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and drink

However, we have to begin the process of living again: our youngest son had surgery a couple of nights ago, so we need to check on him (in person) tomorrow. The grands are going back to school tomorrow and their parents to work, so exhaustion is not an option really.

There is some comfort in knowing what a fun, loving big teddy bear of a guy, who would do anything he could to help others. I am proud that many of his high-school teachers, students from BHS, and friends visited to wish condolences to his parents.

What a loved and loving young man we have lost. 

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Sunday Quilt Inspiration: Houston IQA {6} Animals

I thought that you might like to see a few more of the quilts from the Houston show. These are all quilts that depict animals in some form. Pets, farm, and wild animals are all present. Enjoy!

As usual, you can find these on my "heart, quilts" Pinterest board
Have a wonderful week!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Giving Thanks in Mourning

Will and his grandbaby Milly
Like everyone else, I think about all the blessings in my life--my husband, children and grandies. Appreciating them today is different, however. Although I thought it impossible, I love them more and I appreciate their coming today so we can all be together. And with good reason. This Thanksgiving is different. Very different. Even with all this love, today was also difficult and sad. 

A small family in our close community lost their only son. A 20-year-old who just moved out of his parents' home. Who was planning to propose to his girlfriend. Who was on the brink of beginning his adult life. 

Two young men spent a day playing: riding their ATVs, practicing with their bows and arrows, tinkering with their noisy trucks, just having fun and laughing and making wonderful memories.

 In a moment those memories became a nightmare. The friend, not knowing that assault rifles stand ready to discharge a bullet even when the clip is out, bumped the trigger. In a instant Jake was dead, his friend in police custody, and the world was turned upside down. 

Lane and Dusti
So tonight I'm thinking of the parents who just yesterday made funeral arrangements for their son, called family and friends with such horrific news, and decided where to bury him.

Rory and Meggan
My own boys were and still are beautiful children, but they were also boys. They did those boy things that are silly and goofy and (sometimes) stupid. They had all the dangerous things that outdoorsy boys have: ATVs, guns, campouts, parties. I wonder how close we came to being the parents to face the worst of circumstances. I realize, too, that despite all we did to teach and guide them, it's impossible to know which end of the gun any child is on when things go awry. 

Jenny and Adam
I am thankful for so many other graces that we rarely think about until it comes home to us in the worst of ways. Those things came to mind as I sat with a mother who checked off the things her son will never do: celebrate his 21st birthday, marry and start a family, buy a home, find a better job, make big life decisions, build a future. When she asked why, why my baby boy, I asked the same question. 

I knew Jake. I watched him grow up. Our families shared holiday meals together. He called my children's grandparents Ma-ma and Pa-pa, even though they aren't. We are friends who choose to be family. He could not have had better parents, more love, a better support system. 

Alayna and Jenny

Jake sat in my classroom and struggled with writing and came to my house for tutoring. I taught his friends, whose silly jokes were sometimes at my expense. Today I hugged them like a mother and learned more than I ever taught them as a teacher. 

Caki, Marley, and Sophie

I thank God for my children and their families today. At the same time I am heartbroken. For a beautiful young life with a good heart and a kindness for everyone he met. For parents who can never be the same. For a friend who made the worst mistake of his entire life. For several young men who will carry a casket for the first time. For a fiancee who will never hear him say the words, "Will you marry me?" For a community that is reeling and doesn't know how or why and never will.

But I am also thankful that I was blessed to have known Jake, his friends and his family. Perhaps I am most thankful that I believe with all of my heart that today Jake is flashing that bright, silly smile in a place we call Heaven.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Pin It Weekly #223

see yaHappy Thanksgiving to everyone whether you are in the U.S. or some place that doesn't really do the whole turkey thing. Enjoy your day, eat well, spend time with family, remember your many blessings. Do that and you've had Thanksgiving. 

A few pins to show you what I am thankful for. 

✯ Saturated sunribbons♡♥♡

Up in the air... somewhere in Germany (2009)

photography, travel, beautiful, girls, clouds, airplane, air planes, sky, air plane, *--*, tumblr, sunset, beautiful viewWant more photos of Amazing places from around the world? follow Clara ♥ ballet's board 'Amazing places.'

Dark clouds and pouring rain during a summer storm. Description from I searched for this on

Beautiful sunset. So many picture perfect moments can be captured at the beach.This is a breath-taking sunset.

Florida Sunsets

This is so cool. Took planning and patience.This site has beautiful nature photography

Artist-grade canvas is spline-finished over wooden stretcher bars by skilled artisans. Hand-coated with multiple layers of a UV finish insuring archival properties. Individually handcrafted canvas is

Happy Thanksgiving!