
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Scrap Attack!

You all know Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict. (Isn't she the cutest little thing?) You may know about her Scrap Attack! plan for 2018. I just found out tonight. Funny that, only because I've been working on a scrap quilt using neutrals/brown. (Yes again) 

I may as well join, right? This way when everyone is getting started, I can say I'm in because I will be. And, wow!, I won't the last gal on the merry-go-round. 

Started with this, except waaay more
press, press, press
I'm supposed to write 12 goals. Yeah sure, that's something I'm going to remember. But I like to follow the rules while I am aware that there are rules, so here goes:

1. Make a quilt using the neutrals/brown scraps. (See what I did there?) 

2. Choose two color buckets and cut everything into uniform pieces for a two-color quilt.

3. Challenge myself to mix scraps into one of the projects that I make for the month. (Doesn't matter which one, just one.)
Press, sew, press, sew

4. Cut the black/white/gray scraps (they are all in the same bucket) into strips for a string quilt. 

5. Eliminate the cheap, thin stuff from any two buckets. (Where does that stuff come from?) AND THROW IT AWAY!

6. Mail a large flat rate box of scraps to someone who would love to be in this Scrap Attack! challenge but doesn't have enough scraps, yet.

Press, sew, press, sew

7. Sort through the two 
buckets (hey you, don't judge) on the work and sewing tables and put them away. See, there are two tables hence one bucket each.

trim, sew, press, trim, sew, press, trim...

Sew chunks together, press, trim, sew

8. Pick out solids from any of the buckets and use them in a project.

9. Make more of the scrap buckets that I gave the kids as stocking stuffers. (Surprise, they really like them. I've seen a couple in use.)

10. Use scraps to make a large (not quilted) laundry bag for the camper.

Sew chunks, press, trim, sew
11. Make at least 10 scrap pincushions as giveaways for my guild.

12. Make binding for two quilts using scraps only.

And so, now that I have set my rules goals down in writing, I must admit that I stayed close to the bottom side of the mountain. I'm not one to go venturing off into wild, uncharted, dangerous places, and I am terrified of heights, so there's that. Therefore, I'll see how this works out for me. 

three days later--16 blocks (all 15" square)
If I get brave and decide to take on something uncharted (for me) or insane, I'll tell you after I've fallen down and abandoned the quest. That is assuming I'm still alive. I am certain that if I fall from anything above three feet high, I will die of a heart attack before I hit the ground and break an ankle. 

One last thing. Two last things: Thanks Sarah! and if you're interested in knowing where I got my ideas, read The Joyful Quilter's blog. 

Currently my favorite picture of Miss Milly


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Sherry, thanks for leaving such a funny note! How it got deleted has to do with how goofy I am. You need about five minutes with me to understand. I honestly don't know how I managed to delete two comments from two different posts in one click. But that's how I do things. Plus, I have no idea where they went. Some big black hole in the universe, I guess.

    Anyway, thank you for the visit and fun comment. I hope I don't disappoint you by forgetting about my scrap attack goals. Feel free to remind me, but keep in mind a little nudge won't do it. I need a gentle kick if you want my attention before actually telling me what I need to know. I'm wired a little differently than "normal" people. :) You'll see. Five minutes I tell you.

  3. Looks like you have had a lot of fun putting your goals together. Not a bad idea to have a sense of direction for the coming year.
    I think I would struggle with this one as i get distracted far too easily!
    Good luck with your goals.

  4. Go for it! These sound like workable goals, at least from this standpoint.

  5. Karen, my concern is that my ADD will kick in and I'll forget that I have goals. Oh well!
    Kaja, I've discovered that setting the bar too high is quite discouraging and I abandon ship before the torpedo arrives. (We've been watching too many war movies. It's all we can catch in the camper. Go figure.) Some of the goals are things I've been saying "I need to do. I need to do." So, maybe!


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