
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Cotton Quilters' Guild Meeting * February

On Monday the Cotton Quilters held their February meeting. We began promptly at 1 p.m. (I hate when meetings begin late.)
Counting out their yoyos? Or giving up half?

Remember the Great Yoyo Race? Well, it didn't fly as far as I'd have liked. We did count yoyos and one member had 250! In one month of yoyo making. I think she used child labor, but there is no proof, of course. Since I was using husband labor, I guess I can't complain.

Oh no, we're not talking during a meeting. We'd never do that!
Quilt of Valor twin
Quilt of Valor

Sue sharing her finished sampler
quilt from last year's BOM

Several people had quilts to share. And one of our members gave a demonstration on English paper piecing (EPP). She's been using this technique for several years, so she really knows the tricks and shortcuts. She has also presented to the group before, so she was comfortable speaking in front of everyone.

To prepare for the presentation, Marilyn called a company that she uses for purchasing papers and tools, and they sent enough small kits for everyone. Each kit has papers, fabric squares, and directions. Marilyn brought in glue sticks and asked everyone to bring in needles and threads.

She brought in some beautiful samples of the quilts she's working on. She has about four projects going at any time because, she said, she likes to change from one to another so that she doesn't get bored by making the same block over and over.

She apparently loves Kaffe Fassett fabrics. It's all she uses because the colors are so brilliant and the motifs don't get lost in the small pieces. These last two samples really support her theory. Aren't they beautiful?

I enjoyed the EPP lesson and can see how it would make a great portable project. I don't know how far I'd get before it became an abandoned WIP.  Have you tried EPP? Is it a technique you use regularly? 


  1. I consider it every so often, but I think I'm too slapdash to piece this way!

  2. It is always great to have show and tell at meetings. So lovely to see what people are working on.

  3. I love making hexies, they're so relaxing a quick. I make them when I have time and add them to my stash. Then when I have a project where they would be useful I did though the pile to see what I have.


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