
Sunday, February 4, 2018

Sunday Quilt Inspiration: motorcycles

macco-bonneville-t100-blackdog_020I've been working on a customer memory quilt for over a week now. Today it hit me (finally!) that the theme of my customer's quilt would serve as good inspiration for other quilts.   Apparently the customer has been a Harley Davidson fan for several years. The number of shirts and the places they represent tell me that he didn't just buy a motorcycle. This guy has probably seen all 50 of the states and has a shirt from each one.

One day I'll own one of these and I'll ride fast on long open roads. I can't imagine how much peace and freedom you experience from that.

2015 indian scout motorcycle

Triumph Scrambler

R6 New low pricing for many size of our unit. Look no further Armored Mini Storage is the place when you’re out of space! Call today or stop by for a tour of our facility! Indoor Parking Available! Ideal for Classic Cars, Motorcycles, ATV’s & Jet Skies 505-275-2825

Now, I haven't the foggiest of ideas what I've just posted. Other than to have seen a motorcycle, I have no experience on one. When on the highway, I try to avoid traveling close to one because I believe in giving everyone their space, especially something small enough to lose when changing lanes. 

2009 ninja 250r is <3 i think this will be the cause of my ... Death hahaha AND WHO CARES! #AdrenalineJunkieThe thought of hitting or being hit by another vehicle is rather sickening: I certainly don't want to see someone sliding down the highway with nothing but road under him. Everyone gets some free space.

Anyway, I found a few motorcycle quilts. Most, if not all, are Harley Davidson themed, but it's the only brand I've seen enough to recognize.  

Harley Davidson Quilt

Red Motorcycle quilt

Awesome Harley quilts for all those shirts we own!

motorcycle quilts - Bing Images

Motorcycle quilt Kit.jpg

A good way to use a panel of motorcycle fabric

Harley Davidson Tshirt Quilt

Check out Harley Davidson t-shirt quilt! Customer's quote: "I love traveling with my motorcycle, and I was just blown away when I saw the quilt! I love it!" Please check us out at for more information and pricing!

I'm not showing you the quilt I'm working on because a) there's not much to show and b) I haven't taken any pictures. If all goes well, I'll post a picture of the top in a few days. I'm at least a week or so from a finished quilt. So far it's looking like it will be a big one!


  1. I have visions of a Harley quilt in my head, but no one has ordered one. Best of luck on finishing your quilt!!

  2. I don't know so much about Harleys (not as many here as in the US) but I do know a nice Triumph when I see one.


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