
Thursday, April 12, 2018

Pin It Weekly #241 A Tutorial of Sorts

Have you been on your Pinterest lately? I really haven't in the last few days, but I discovered a nice little surprise waiting for me.

This is what my home page looks like, or maybe it's the header page. It's the one that shows up first when I go to Pinterest. But yes, surprised! Apparently Pinterest takes pins from your most popular board and throws them into these bricks or blocks. That's all I can tell you, but I like it. 

Other changes: the next thing I see when I scroll down is a continuous loop of my featured boards, which I chose many moons ago. But the big news is that after the featured boards Pinterest has a grouping of my latest pins, followed by a grouping of my latest boards. Note: everything here is arranged by the latest work you've done.

Then the regular grouping of boards appears. But it's possible that Pinterest is keeping track of my more popular ones so those appear first.

And just like that I found the answer: click on Boards then click on the option box next to Sort Boards. Your choices are Last saved to, A to Z, NewestOldestDrag and Drop. Yay, finally an easy way to put boards into alphabetical order. (The librarian in me is thrilled.)

Just because I need something that makes it easy, I'm reviewing.

Those tabs right under your Pinterest name-- overview of your work
Boards...all of your boards in the order you choose to arrange them. You have to be here to access Sort Boards (BTW drag and drop means you can arrange them manually) 
Pins...all of your pins, arranged by most recent
Activity..."These are all the Pins people saved from your site and linked accounts. This page is visible on your profile right now, but you can always remove it." Quote from Pinterest 
Followers...All the followers you have, plus a button for each that allows you to follow them back. Note: Clicking Follow means you follow all of that person's boards, but you can click on the name and follow only those boards you want.
Following...Every one you follow. Pinterest doesn't distinguish whether you are following all of that person's boards or just a few, but you can click on the name and find out.
Tries..."Pins you try live here
Add notes and photos to recipes you made, places you traveled and other ideas you tried"  Pinterest Quote
Think of this as a way of reviewing some of the pins you're interested in. For example, if you find a recipe and decide to make the food, you can come here and leave a note telling how it went. 

Believe it or not, there's still more, but my brain is packed and I'm a little under the weather. 

Happy pinning!


  1. Well now, my pinterest doesn't behave like that at all - I need to figure out why yours is so infinitely superior!

  2. So interesting. Mine doesnt do it either. Boo hoo !!! Are you a business Pinterest user ?

  3. Kaja, I think B figured it out for us! I am a business Pinterest user. Aren't I something else? :)

  4. the only hassle-free way to take your Pinterest account at new heights. For me, I have never seen such an amazing automation tool with this much potential. It does everything that it says and even more. By far the best tool one can consider for Pinterest automation. Boosting Pinterest account is so easy now.


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