
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Dead on the floor

While visiting last week, Milly decided to go the wrong way around the coffee table. Wrong only because between Milly and her toy were a few wires. Wires attached to electronic devices that,  it seems, cannot take a little fall.

She saw the wires. Slowed down for the wires. Then powdered through the wires.

I watched the entire devastation unfold sitting as close to the electronics as they were to the floor. Maybe two feet. Surely within arms length. I didn't move an inch. My body did not functuion. My brain was working. I know this because I remember thinking, "oh, #%^") as electronics slammed the ceramic-tiled concrete floor. 

One was the new (and still under warranty) computer. The other was a cheap printer that I have threatened to slam on a concrete floor. Hard. Funny how things work out.

Guess who won. Well, at least there's still a warranty. That means I am without a type-as-fast-as-lightning computer. Two weeks the Geek said. Maybe longer the Squad said. 

This is for the birds I say. My type-slowly-with-one-finger phone annoys me. It's a different finger, but still. See you in two weeks, maybe longer. 


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