
Friday, September 21, 2018

Fleur de Lis is back, baby!

Innocent of all charges!
UPS came by this afternoon and handed over a big box. The inside was filled with mostly air and very heavy cardboard, but in a sliver of space was my Dell computer. That one that Milly plowed onto the floor. 

It's all better, which is great because I expected they would have to replace the whole thing. Nope, but there's a new hard drive and electrical outlet thingy and some plastic casing. That baby can do some damage!

Storms can bring in some beautiful clouds.
I love the way this one has that line of white reflecting the sun.
While my computer was away getting some geek love, I was just living large: a trip to the doctor with Richard, a day at the in-laws' with Richard, two hours (and $200) in Walmart with Richard. On occasion I snapped a picture, just because I knew this day would eventually arrive. And finally it has.
An old barn near the doctor's office. I just couldn't resist.

A pair of doves by Richard's shed.


  1. Yay! Good to have you back.
    So pleased all the repairs are done and all is well now.


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