
Monday, September 24, 2018

September Cotton Quilters' Guild Meeting

My gray, yellow and red version
I had great plans for writing about our September meeting, which we delayed by a week because of the Labor Day holiday. Then the computer mishap and the resulting week of limping along to finish a church project, followed by another week or so of geek repairs. 

Now that we're beyond all of that, I've looked over my pictures from the meeting and think I may remember some of that day which now seems so long ago. 

Mary C's Christmas version
I asked everyone to bring in their blocks or quilt tops from our row quilt. Each month I presented a new block and participants went home to make five or six (their preference) versions of the block using their color choices. 

When the time came, I showed them my almost completed quilt. My quilt is one month ahead of theirs so that I'd have examples to share.  It stills needs a binding, but I had finished the quilting and trimmed off the rough edges. That means it's ready for binding and label any time now.

Pam's colorful version
Wanting to build on what Marty Mason, of Marty's Fiber Musings, presented last month (my blog article is here), I showed them how I use improv to sew scraps together to form blocks or "chunks" of fabric. Since my quilt is not quite as long as I wanted, I added about 15 inches of improv fabric to the bottom of the quilt. My thinking is that this part will be tucked under the mattress so it won't show very much. 

 Finally we got to show and share, but I missed most of the photo opportunities since I plopped myself down to enjoy it all and forgot to take pictures. I managed to get three quilts but can't remember who the makers are. I'll leave you with the pictures and thank you for coming by.

1 comment:

  1. Your group looks like it is very active with their quilts. Thanks for sharing what was made, as well as yours, too!


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