
Thursday, December 6, 2018

Let's play catch up!

Since I've not been able to blog the many goings-on in my life, I thought I'd just get it all in at one time. Or try to anyway.
Let's start with cute. Or ugly. Either way. A miniature horse newborn that looks like a donkey. Sweet little thing has no idea just how ugly she is. 
Momma and baby doing fine
within minutes of birth.
Two days later and she looks
even more like a donkey.

I've managed a little sewing.
A couple of burp cloths for baby Ryder due in January
And a couple of bibs. The veggie fabric
came from Mom's stash.

Monday was our Cotton Quilters' Guild Christmas party. 
Such fun. And food. And games. And gifts. And friends. 

I made centerpieces using flowers from other events: a magnolia, a sprig of white baby's breath, burgundy ribbon, and greenery created a little candle wreath. They did double duty as door prizes, a big hit since so many people liked them. Just as nice, every bit came from my studio. Even the new, unopened white candles (not shown) were ones we ended up not using at a wedding.
centerpieces / door prizes.

Monday was also the Baton Rouge MQG Christmas party. (I ate all day!) I took one picture the entire night, and it was of this beautiful quilt top that Belinda wanted opinions on. Love it!

Coming Saturday! My friend Leta and I are having a Mommy and Me paint class. I'm getting excited about teaching, even if it's not literature. 

And how about ending with a couple of pictures of some real cuteness and another horse? Check out Miss Milly on her rocking horse that Poppa made. She absolutely loves Horsey and jumps on him as soon as she arrives. 

A socialite riding her Thoroughbred.
Giving her babies a ride.

 And there we are. A busy week or was it two? 

1 comment:

  1. This time of year always seems a little crazy, but as long as all is well it doesn't really matter.


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