
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A Quilty Jaunt -- more of CFAL in Baton Rouge

Lucy Landry -- Life's Journey-Marathon
Since I didn't get to process all of my pictures for the first post of the Contemporary Fiber Artists of Louisiana (CFAL) exhibit at the Louisiana State Archives building, I thought I'd get to work and try to show you the rest. None are in any particular order. I started out trying to systematically take pictures, but well, I'm more ADD than systematic. 

Yvonne Bayham -- Here Kitty Kitty
This one really tickled Richard! He kept going back to it to look for the 3D effects and to giggle at the pure joy of it.

Vicky Thompson -- Flight of Fancy

Bebe Tulley -- Walking Home from School, Uganda
Sally Gordon -- Bird on a Wire
Lisa Ducote -- Guardian of the Forgotten

Melanie Borne -- Jerusalem

Donna LaFleur -- Lightness
Did you notice the little feather in the bottom right corner? Not me! I saw it while working on the pictures.

Vicki Thompson -- A Light in the Woods

Suzi Stone --
Spirit-- Through the Stars to Mars

Suzi Stone --  Gorden's Musical Journey

Melanie Borne -- Losing Ground

Melanie Borne -- Leaves

BeBe Tulley -- St. Mark's Church Door, Philadelpha, PA
I can't say I have a favorite, but Susan Broussard's Sigh (below) certainly makes my heart happy. It's just so realistic-looking yet has a sense of mystery to it. I couldn't help but to take a closer look. Even with a close-up, there's no way a photograph can do it justice.

Susan Broussard -- Sigh

Of course, it isn't just this last one that deserves to be seen in person! Is it just me or aren't they amazing?  Fiber artists for certain. Which one really speaks to you? Or has you thinking of home? (That's what Sigh does for me. That cypress could be in my back yard.)


  1. I haven't been commenting much but have been checking on posts. I have really enjoying seeing the pictures from the shows and meetings. So many great ideas and loads of inspiration.

  2. I love Lucy Landry's rabbit! I can see why Sigh is your favorite, Mary. It is evocative of certain familiar landscapes.

  3. A beautiful collection of amazing quilts and quilters!


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