
Monday, July 15, 2019

Retreat finish (the final one)

Some time ago (it may be years now) I decided it was time to use some of the 2½” strips that I had cut perhaps years before that. You see, this is a story of epic proportions. Because years before either of those I began worrying that I would leave behind tons of fabric when I go. What foolishness! Still, I worked on a series of small quilts. 

The nursery rhyme series: Nimble and Quick was a blue bargello, both versions of He Loves Me was Dresden plate applique, Around a Girl's World, The Coolest Bug Collection, That Was Against the Rules, Fast Asleep, and so on. Some have titles from lines of the nursery rhymes, all are inspired by nursery rhymes. 

This quilt is both, inspired by "Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater" and titled using the phrase "couldn't keep her." The inspiration came in the form of using pumpkin orange with those blue 2½” inch strips with the strips representing bars. Did you notice that the bars are not all going in one direction? I could have fixed that but I had just finished this improv top and was still in improv mode. 

Take that orange square however you want: a pumpkin, an escape route, a key hole. It's your take on the quilt. Notice in this picture that I had to add a horizontal strip in the orange to make the half square triangles match up. Somewhat. Up close like this you can see how much the medallion is off. Really? Geez. 

But I just wanted a finish and so I refused to rip anything out. An agreement I made with myself--no ripping. So things went in sideways and corners don't meet and goodness knows how many other problems, but stay they did. After all, have you read nursery rhymes lately? There are lots of issues in those little poems, but I love them anyway, and I'll love this little quilt just the same. It's in the TO BE QUILTED bin under about 15 other tops. 

Do you just leave in the mistakes? 
Do the mistakes make you like the quilt less?
Or do they have to be corrected? 
Do the mistakes drive you nuts if you don't?

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