
Tuesday, September 3, 2019

A Sign... (a painted finish)

After I made the cross earlier in the week, I decided to expand my experience and paint a few scrap boards and add a Bible quote on each. No reason for it, I just like the idea.

After digging through Richard's small pile of scrap lumber, I sanded down the pieces I chose and painted them using craft paint. I was going for a watery feel. Or maybe a sunset. Whatever it wants to be.

Except this small pink one on the right. Nope, not liking it so I've repainted over some of the orange and red stripes. But even so, it needs more work. The one on the left, however, sings my song! I've already added a quote.

Choosing a favorite quote, just one, that's impossible I suppose. So I didn't. Instead I picked out several used them all. In all but two I used a deep brown vinyl because I've been unable to find black vinyl in any of the local stores. 

There was a little bit of black left over from a previous project so I squeezed in this phrase that my mom used to say all the time. Even when we grew up, she would sign cards and letters, with her favorite closing: Say your prayers. I couldn't resist.

There are still a couple of boards that are painted, but cutting and weeding the letters is time-consuming. And I make mistakes that makes the process more difficult. Hopefully, I'll figure out all the steps and get it right soon. But really, I'm having fun and who knows where this might lead. For me, it's all over the place all the time. (Hmm, maybe that should go on a sign.) What do you think? Are they Pinterest-worthy or an "Epic Pinterest Fail"?


  1. I think these are very nice ... :) Pat

  2. Thanks, Pat! I have to admit--they are growing on me. :)
    P.S. I enjoyed catching up with your blog. It was time~


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