
Sunday, March 8, 2020

Sunday Quilt Inspiration: Sunset / Sunrise

Yesterday my sister, Courtney, and I were driving home from visiting another sister, Laura. At the top of an overpass, Courtney exclaimed, "Oh look!" We had a perfect view of one gorgeous sunset. 

I got only a glimpse because I was driving and this particular overpass makes a serious curve away from the setting sun. Nevertheless, I shared a spectacular moment with Courtney. She has dementia, so every lucid moment is important.

As we drove along, she kept looking back and naming the colors in the sky and I enjoyed the few minutes that she was able to verbalize the most stunning event. This, dear readers, was a rare moment. Most of the time she cannot remember her children nor can she express herself in a complete sentence. 

beautiful sunset with sunset photography and tree silhouette

As quickly as the moment came, it was gone. I was left with gratitude and my memory of her revelry in life's moments.

Colorful desert sunset quilt made mostly with hand dyed fabrics.

Art Quilts Sunset 62 Golden Evening Wall Quilt Wall Hanging | Etsy

Sunset 36: 31

I'll leave you with two of my own sunset art quilts from my Trunk Show Quilts board. Have a wonderful week!
This is an art piece inspired by sunsets in the Midwest while we were on vacation two summers ago.
Indigo Dusk

"Sunset in Utah"--one of my hand-stitched art quilts.
Sunset in Utah


  1. Replies
    1. It really was. We are losing these opportunities as her disease progresses.

  2. What a spectacular sunset and what a beautiful moment to share with your sister.

    1. It's sad to see her dementia progress. I want her to enjoy these moments as much as possible.


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