
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Family, flowers, face masks...the little things in life

A rose from the new bushes
A beautiful moth Rich discovered this morning.
 Look at those markings.

I haven't been sewing very much of late. Between enjoying the beautiful weather and the yard, dealing with being quarantined, and making masks (yes, sewing but not my fav), the days are flying by. 

My new issue of Quiltfolk,
dedicated to Louisiana quilters
The children do occasionally visit, but we are keeping social distancing alive in the back yard. And of course, we visit Rich's mom daily, but again social distances have become the norm. 

New tee-shirts that a wonderfully talented friend 
delivered to my mailbox. 
Social distancing means not visiting as usual.

I've been walking more while it's cool enough to be out-of-doors. I took these pictures of the slough down the hill from our house on one of those excursions. 

And those masks! Thus far I've made and mailed four to my sister Laura, donated 10 to the local nursing home, and have two ready to mail to my niece who cannot find completely black masks for her flight attendant job. 

Happy birthday little reader!
And the most heartbreaking of all: this little guy turned one Sunday and we could not attend his birthday party. Family who live close by drove to their house and sang happy birthday from their cars. We did so via Skype. 

My fear is that they littlest ones will forget who we are if the quarantine lasts as long as projected. I guess it just means we'll have to make up for lost time by spending lots of time with them when CoVid-19 is in the past.

Please keep safe distances of six or more feet from others, even the ones you love. We can beat this pandemic with time, distance, and clean hands. 


  1. Good to see you keeping busy and staying safe.
    Yes, missing those special birthdays is hard. We had to miss one last week and will miss another in three weeks. But we are very grateful for Skype and for family who are making it a priority to keep in touch.

    1. We are video chatting every day, also. We are lucky to have technology. The girls always have some project to show us. And it's helping the little boys to remember us. Now those teenager grands, they may be on their phones but it's not often with us. They prefer to drive. I just hope everyone can go back to hugging soon! We're a family of huggers!


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