
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Pictures for inspiration

Under my needle today are these masks in gingham that my niece requested. Ten in total they've been relatively easy to sew. I made a jig to help in the pleating and that has made all the difference. Before this request, I'd made a few in oranges because I'd over-cut some 1½ inch strips. How convenient that they're the exact size of the straps. 

Recently one of the BRMQG quilters posted some photos she'd taken on her daily walks. The pictures depict lines in nature, and she uses the pics as inspiration to make blocks.   
hard gravel

mushy mushrooms
I loved the idea and decided to join her, except that I would work on textures. 
soft clover in bloom
  It doesn't take long to find different textures when you're looking. I started by looking down at the things under my feet as I walked. 
prickly stickers (yes in my yard!)
But soon I was looking a bit higher.
splintered wood
And then straight ahead at eye level.
rough oak trunk made even more so with woodpecker holes

sticky, prickly cedar
It was a fun exercise, though I was strolling rather than walking. I forced myself to get moving because I was, after all, out there for the physical exercise and it was getting hot. I don't necessarily intend to use these, except that I am enjoying the many different textures and it's as great exercise in mindfulness. 

1 comment:

  1. It is good to get out and about, and looking for textures can make the walk far more interesting.


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