
Monday, April 27, 2020

Quick Finish

That's me. Testing the finished product.
Thanks to Sweet Red Poppy I've finally found a scrub cap that fits and I like. And, this pattern is free

In one of those rare incidents, I did not change a thing. Nope, not one thing. I printed, taped, cut, and sewed exactly as instructed. Whew! Not an easy concept for me. But it's a winner.  

How do you find this freebie, you ask? Go to Sweet Red Poppy, click on Free Patterns in the navigation bar at the top. The very first one is the scrub cap. Voila! 
(Shh, listen, there are many other useful freebies.)

A couple of adjustments and we're happy.
This cap is already in Jenny's hands. She's going back to work as a dental hygienist in just a few short days. She's a germaphobe, in the worst way. Hates all the ickies!

It's a conundrum. I get to play hero for a moment. She loves me, what can I say?

Have a fabulous week. I hope it starts out with your being a sewing hero to someone. It's a sweet feeling.


  1. That's great you found a pattern that fits well and is free! Thanks for sharing the link!

    1. My pleasure, Nancy. There are several other free patterns available. So far, they have been wonderful to work with.

  2. It's so rewarding to sew items that are desperately needed. Even better when you sew for family, friends, and neighbors. Congratulations on your perseverance finding a good pattern and getting it sewn. Stay safe.

    1. Thanks, Ann. I hope you are all safe as well. I'll admit that the perseverance impresses me a little.

  3. I downloaded several things today before seeing this post! i will be going back to see what else i can find!

    1. Wonderful! I'm glad I could help. Let me know what you think.

  4. Great work and love the fabric!

    1. Those animals are hilarious, Karen. I bought it years ago for a project that never came to pass.


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