
Friday, August 7, 2020

Quilt Challenge Day 5

 I haven't forgotten about this challenge. Let me explain the whole "Mary" story. A real-life friend, who is also a Facebook friend, challenged me to show 10 quilts, probably in 10 days. I posted four days of quilts....four quilts. No one person liked, commented or otherwise acknowledged even one of my posts. Now it makes sense but at the time I thought I was just, well I'm not sure what I thought, but it was a little unsettling. No one? Not one like? Not a "uhmph"? So I quit posting. 

One of my three entries for QuiltCon.

At Monday's guild meeting, someone mentioned that it might be a good idea. Nope, I interrupted. I posted pictures of my quilts. No one even bothered. At that point, several people started talking at the same time. "Well, I guess we aren't friends." "We are friends and you didn't post anything to me." "Maybe they aren't shareable." And so on. Hmm, I wondered. I got out my phone and sure enough, I solved the mystery. 

You know, I forgot that my posts are set to send to Richard only. It's just so I don't send out really ridiculous or obnoxious posts. A safety button, if you will. Safety buttons, however safe they are, won't allow you to pull the trigger. So while I did post my pictures, I also didn't pull the trigger. I suppose you could say I pointed the gun but didn't shoot. Well, shoot! (I don't like the analogy but I do use the expletive.)

One of my three entries for QuiltCon.

So there. The quilt challenge mystery. Solved. In the meantime, I've been waiting for Facebook to catch up to the blog. Now my social media outlets are on the same challenge day. Five. It is day five, right? 


  1. I did have a laugh at the cause. But am also glad you sorted out the answer.

  2. Is it possible to know what pattern you used for the simple 4 patch featured in your blog on 2/9/14 (Sunday numbers). I would appreciate the dimensions, please! Happy Quilting!


I read every comment and will visit your blog. Responses to questions and comments will be here, so come back for answers and let's have a conversation. You get the next word!