
Saturday, September 5, 2020

All Manner of Little Things

Hi everyone! I have been taking pictures and thinking, "Oh this is something to blog about." But you know what happens? I get busy with other stuff and by the time I get on the computer, I'm just not into it. So the pictures get lost in the shuffle. And all the little things become distant memories. Not today! Instead here are some little things, little happenings, and little news bits.

Let's start with this stinker. Doesn't she look just so sad? I was sitting at the table doing paperwork and heard a whimper of a cry. Little Little, our Maltese puppy, had poked her nose through the gate and gave me these puppy dog eyes. What a trickster!

A postcard I made for my sister. She received it Tuesday, which was the day she was expecting news about how the chemo is working. It's good news for now! Next step, gain some strength for a bone marrow transplant later this year.

A tiny hummingbird feather I found on one of the feeders. So sweet!

Richard made this bookshelf for a friend who will have a booth at a local artist market / flea market. The pictures on the right are the original shelves. The ones on the left are of the same shelves painted. She and I are going to "share" the cabinet. Her things will be on the shelves, my things will hang on the back. She wanted an aged look that would work into her farmhouse eclectic vibe. I love the look of beaded board. We both got what we want. Ahh, the joys of a handy husband!

She has the booth with the three pieces in it. I'm on the side of her behind the book shelf. 

I recently got in a small order of titanium coated needles from Superior Threads. I've never used these super strong needles, but they are supposed to last much longer than regular ones. I just like the idea of putting a needle in and going to town for as long as possible. Maybe I should put a sticky note on the machine to remind myself to be extra careful. Generally, I break a needle, not wear it down. I'll try to remember to let you know how they work. I have only a few regular needles left, so these may go into the machine before the end of the year. I hope not, but you just never know, right?

I should have ordered thread at the same time. Now I'll have to pay shipping, again. Why do I make such silly, nonsensical decisions? It's a rhetorical question. I expect that no one can answer it.

And I think that wraps up all the little things. I have bigger news, but that is for another day. Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes the little things are the most enjoyable. Love that little feather!
    Good luck with the artist market.


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