
Sunday, September 13, 2020

Sunday Quilt Inspiration: SUNRISE / SUNSET

Sunrises and sunsets, when I get to see them in person, remind me of the beauty of individuality. Every one is stunningly beautiful and stunningly different. In fact, I've been on my way home, seen a gorgeous sunset out of my windshield, and pulled over several times to take pictures of the same sunset. 

One time, while driving across the I-10 bridge in Baton Rouge the sunset looked like it could not get any better, so I pulled over in Lobdell to take a photo. Then on Hwy. 190, it changes before my eyes--every few minutes the colors become richer, the sunlight changes. So I pulled over in Livonia, and again in Krotz Springs to take photos. 

And so it went until, finally, the sun settled into its cozy sleep, and I had given at least 30 minutes of a long drive to pulling over, taking photos, and waiting for traffic to give me space to jump back into the fray. Only to discover that the sun had played another trick. Because, you see, as beautiful as one picture is, every time I pull over a better photo opportunity presents itself. 

I've played this game with the sun on several evenings. But the sun is a trickster and knows the game better than I. Interestingly, I don't win, but I also don't lose, because I have had the opportunity to experience and appreciate the beauty of God's imagination. 

So that brings us to sunrise/sunset quilts. I'm sure someone has figured out a way to determine whether each photo is a morning or evening capture, but I just enjoy them regardless of when they were taken. I love to paint a sunset, but we need to look at quilts of sunsets.

The next time you notice a sunset, take a photo and wait five to ten minutes. You'll want another. Then another. Perhaps one more. Or have you already found yourself in awe at the changing beauty of a sunrise or sunset? Which are you more likely to see?

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