
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

What Have I Done?

Last year, on January 15, I finally wrote this post looking back at 2017 and, maybe, thought about what I'd do for 2018. A couple of things before I go any farther: 
1. I'm right on time. 
2. I didn't actually write down what those thoughts or plans were. 
3. I surely do not remember. Even after reading that post. So, 
4. I'm probably not getting much of this right.   

That's okay. If you're reading this, you probably know me. And don't have very high expectations.  Good point. So what did I accomplish? Well, it's been difficult figuring it out, but I think I have a good inkling.

Memory Quilts! It must have been the year of the memory quilt. I made five. Wow! And I don't really like making tee shirt quilts. 

Studio cleanup! Most of my gain this year was something I don't think I really intended to accomplish. I was inspired by the many beautiful photos that I've seen in a Facebook group called "Sewing Room Ideas." I've cleaned, folded or rolled fabric, downsized, purged, and generally improved the studio. 

Richard built two pieces of furniture for me. The "hutch" above, which is within arm's reach of the long-arm and this cubbie tower in the closet. It is meant to fit perfectly in the approximate  feet of wall space that had not already been filled with shelving. It's been a life saver in a sense. I fold anything that won't roll on a cardboard and stack it here. Separating prints and solids has also been a real time-saver. I don't have to dig through one to find the other.

I absolutely need to keep working on this "scrub and clean" project!

Month by month outline
January: Something for Jake, Cotton Quilters' Guild presidency begins 
February: The Harley Quilt  
March: pincushions, Billy's Memory Quilt
April: Paducah Quilt Week
May: Two single block quilt finishes, Alan's Crown Royal
June: Mrs. Bertha's quilt top
July: Milly's dresses
August: LSU Memories, Row by Row
September: Bipolar art series (4 complete in two months)
October: Faith, Write 31 Days "Quilting teaches me..." posts 
November: Gina's Surprise, small items, Father Ibe's 50th birthday quilt, Dropcloth
December: pillows, wedding dress alteration 

So I completed only seven normal size quilts. But there were lots of small art quilts and other projects in the mix. Some of those are the Bipolar Art series, of which I have four complete; the cotton paintings, I think there are now 6 or 7; and lots of little dresses. Lots. I have no idea how many. There's even one that Milly hasn't worn. I'm hoping it will still fit in the spring as it is sleeveless. Of course, we can add a long-sleeve tee on a chilly day.

Having all the kids in the house really consumed my studio time. It's hard to believe that for six months we were living in the camper. We transitioned there and back so smoothly that there's no sting in the memory of it. 

Now that we're back, we've been working on the house. I say "we" but I mean "he." Richard has been powering through without me. Thanks to the boys, we're almost finished with the master bed and bath. 

And here we are in the middle of January. I've tried writing goals in years past, then forget I had planned ahead. I get so caught up in a project, I don't think about those goals. At the end of the year, I have to admit defeat. That's probably why I didn't write much in the way of plans for 2018. Well that and my world was upside down. 

But I've decided to make another attempt, so for 2019 I'd like to try to

  • continue cleaning and organizing the studio
  • finish the last piece in my Bipolar series
  • continue work on the cotton series
  • make a low-volume, neutral quilt for our bed
  • keep going with the modern quilt guild and lean toward that asthetic 
  • use up some scraps
  • have fun with improv quilts 
  • teach at other guild meetings 

Not a bad list. Just vague enough to have lots of wiggle room but still be able to call them goals. What is your most important goal for 2019?


  1. Given your busy family life you accomplished an amazing amount in 2018, so I have confidence in your ability to power through your 2019 goals!

  2. Looking back over the year does make you realise how much you have achieved. Good luck for many finishes in 2019.


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