There were some great wins and some bad losses, but that's how it goes in life. After thinking about it quite a bit, I've decided that I have way too much stress in my life already. I'll try to do some things, but getting better doesn't seem so important when you're hanging by a thread.
"Minus 100 Yards Challenge." I read a post
on SomethingRosemade in
which Rose challenged herself to use 100 yards of fabric above whatever she
collected. I'm going to challenge myself to use 100 yards.
Total Fail! I lost
track of yardage way back around June. I’ll just let it go. I rarely buy fabric, except when I buy lots of
it, so I’ll just say goodbye to the tally. (I feel much better already.)
Increase content. I really
wanted to try to write more posts, but that didn’t work either. In fact, I
wrote fewer posts this year than in the last two years.
Well? Much of it had to do with the
kids’ house fire and not being able to write for lack of time while we reorganized
our lives. But I also didn’t write very much while we were on vacation.
I did participate in the Write 31 Days event and did well with that. So I’ll
call it a draw and keep trying. Hopefully I’ll be able to participate in Write
31 again. I also want to write more while we travel. Wait, I'm hoping to travel this year.
More finishes. I had
lots of finishes this year, but many were little (very) finishes that I would not
normally count. In quilts alone I think there were 15, but some of those were
small art quilts. Additionally, I helped a friend with her shirt
business, worked on several projects for the kids, and made a basket of
pincushions. I’m plenty satisfied.

Keep track of fabric usage. Easy
peasy: figure out how many yards I use for each project and keep track. Ha! Fail!
Pinterest. You know I like my boards. Winner!
I will try to continue through 2018. Hope y'all come along.

Read. Read and read and read.
Pick up those classics that I've been trying to get to. What a win
that would that be! Big Win! I’ve enjoyed
my books. So many! I’ve even begun listing the books I’ve read as an adult.
(More on that later.)
Write. Write on my blog but also
write about other subjects. And write in a deeper way about my quilt journey.
We'll see what I can accomplish in this area.
Write 31 Days!
That was the trick, it appears. I did enjoy writing in October, the only month in which I actually
wrote 30 posts.
I don't know about you, but I have worked out that I can't be perfect at everything!!! I think you have had a lot of wins and that is a big positive.
I think you did pretty well, all things considered, and you've kept up a reasonable blogging frequency (I say that as someone else who's dropped off a bit this year). I would love it if you wrote about your travels more.
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