
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

CQG meeting

 I almost missed the window of posting about our August Cotton Quilters' Guild meeting. There will be another meeting in just a few days. In addition to having our meeting, this month we held a sew day which, I am happy to report, was a great success. But I'm getting ahead of myself. 

President Maggie

Treasurer Irma and Secretary Mary C.

 social distancing and masks

Some of the blocks for our current BOM, which I have yet to begin. Oh dear me! I've decided to finish my current BOM (Sugaridoo) before beginning another. Hmm, maybe not the best idea, but it's decided. Now for a really cool show and tell. Everyone has been busy. It must be this quarantine business.

And two more items, a set of bags that Sheila made. I love how professional they look. She used cork on the bottom one which really gives it a good structure. 

And lastly, also from Sheila, a felt quiet book about "The Three Little Pigs." This is the cutest little book you can imagine. There are several pieces that are separate from the book so that the reader can play by moving the pigs, the wolf, the building materials, etc. around. I think there's even a pot to put on the fire in the brick house. She explain how she makes them and that she makes several every time she builds a new house. I was really impressed! 

1 comment:

  1. Lots of lovely show and tell.
    Time to ask how you have gone over the last few days with the hurricane?


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