
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The end of this foolishness

Update: Hurricane Laura is expected to arrive on the heel of our Louisiana boot within the next few hours. Though it is unlikely to affect us, we are concerned about friends who live in the Lake Charles area and family in the Lafayette area. Please pray for the Texans and Louisianans who will be affected by this cat 4 hurricane. 

Remember when I wrote about the hideous quilt on the design wall?

I just realized (sitting here waiting for Hurricane Laura to turn off the lights) that I was tormented by that quilt all the way back in June! 

On the 9th I wrote about trying to start work on it (again) and really didn't get very far. By the end of the month I had gotten to a point that I thought I'd call it quits. But I couldn't because, well, the quilt top wasn't done. It's still hanging on the design wall. I've been working just not on this quilt. In fact, I've been working but not writing. I have a long list of posts that I should catch up on:

  1. CQG meeting and sew day
  2. BRMQG happenings
  3. Mrs. Mary Lee's quilt (finish)
  4. my own WIP (finished)
  5. a finish from the sew day
  6. and some pieces that I've been painting
  7. wait, I will have a booth in the local crafts mall (opening in October). 
Those are the things I easily thought of. Imagine what I've not told you! I'll try to play catch up if the electricity survives and we don't have a house full of kids and grandies. There's no working in that happy noise.
Back to the hideous quilt dilemma? Two months of sucking the oxygen out of the room is enough time to call it a dud, don't you think? I'll remove it, fold it up very tightly, put it in a plastic bag, and stuff it in a corner in the studio where the kids will find it one day and ask themselves, "What was she thinking?" First, however, I need to listen to the rain and perhaps take a little nap. I love the sound of rain, not storms. Rain.

1 comment:

  1. Mary, stay safe, girl. Laura is a major and frightening storm.


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