
Friday, August 2, 2019

Quilters' Guild Acadienne Show

Logo from Guilters' Guild Acadienne
I have been running around this month doing all manner of quilting and quilt-like things. All manner of fun quilty things. Let's see, there was the retreat at the beginning of the month. I wrote two additional posts about it here and here

Known by Ange Riehl 

Fiddle Stix by Elle Caillouet

Then Richard and I went to the CFAL exhibit at the State Archives. There were so many quilts it took a second post. We beat it to the Quilters' Guild Acadienne show in Lafayette on the same day. 

Granddaddy's Quilt by Betty Lowry
Finally I attended the GSQA meeting with Lori last weekend. Yes indeed! July has been good--too hot, extremely wet (25 inches of rain so far) and QUILTY. Can you guess which has been my favorite?

Tree in the Mist by Joan Schroeder
The Swamp Tree by Joan Schroeder

All of the quilts on this post are from the Lafayette show. It's being held in the Acadiana Center for the Arts, which is near the library. 

Carlie's Campfire by Carlie Duhon Bumgardner

Summer Days by Kelly Broussard
All of the quilts on this post is from the Acadiana Guild's show. 

Tree of Life by Barbara Wells
Star Gazing by Gerry LeBlanc

North Star by Shelly McCoy

Tulips Around the Cabin by Phyllis Tabbert
What quilty fun have you been up to this month? 

Swimming Blue by Nadine Cain 

1 comment:

  1. So many wonderful quilts. You have to be inspired by all that is there.


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