Monday, October 5, 2015

Modern Monday: Quick Bunting Tutorial

On Saturday I was able to get into the studio for several hours at a time.  How wonderful!
I have a sweet friend who has a shirt business sewing monogram letters for sororities.  She keeps fairly busy but on occasion she'll ask for help with a few shirts.  I don't mind at all and enjoy seeing some of her designs.  She's a graphic artist, so she's really creative and hand draws her letters.  Her shirts look great so they are very popular.

In the process of making her shirts, she makes lots of scraps. Lots. 

 Luckily, she happens to have a quilting friend willing to take those scraps.  Yes, of course, me!  

I think sometimes that the scraps are having babies in those baskets and bins.  Then I find this sort of surprise, and I'm really convinced.

I don't think I can use these slivers, but I've used the larger ones for all sorts of play.  I made a fabric bucket for her--so it's easier to contain the scraps.  On Saturday I picked out a few of the really big scraps.

I'd had the idea of making a quick, fun bunting in red and green felt.  However, when I walked into the studio and discovered the last bag of scraps that had been delivered, I decided to use those instead.  These scraps already have fusible web on them, but you can always add your own following manufacturer's directions.

I used my Accuquilt Studio cutter to cut circles in three sizes, so in no time I'd cut and pressed them with a piece of cotton twine down the middle, between the two pieces of fabric.

I just eye-balled the distance between circles and didn't worry about matching up the fabrics. To close off the bunting, I used one circle folded in half on each end, which gives me something to pin to. Just fold the end piece, slip the end of the twine in and press.

Sewing was very easy.  I used stitch #134 on my Bernina because it is a stair-step-like zigzag stitch that catches the twine.  Of course, when I'd tried to move one of the circles while pressing, it was impossible, so maybe the stitching was overkill.  Notice that I didn't worry about stitching the twine between the circles.  I just cut the thread away after.  And that was it.  I guess the whole thing took about 30 minutes total. 

This photo shows the bunting really well, but all I see is the messy thread.  I really need to change out my design wall covering.

I've decided to leave the bunting on the window covering for the French door for now.  It's colorful and fun, besides it's just a matter of time before a grandchild comes in and asks for it.  I made it mostly to see what it would look like.  

I think I like this quick project.  

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